Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 10!

Division 4h

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Malibu Stacey™ (d-d-Did I Stutter?)



1 - 3

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4 - 1

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European d-d-Did I Stutter? vs European GoT.love
3 - 3

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


d-d-Did I Stutter? (5) Funkadelic, [TANG] Merple, Malibu Stacey™, Klegg, Fenrir
GoT.love (6) Become, Waster, LUH-3417, Shabbaman, Andee, TonyGappa
Unrostered (1) Buttnose


  1. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Hello! I’ve put a proposal in the calendar. We prefer to play our matches on monday, tuesday, wednesday or thursday around 20.00 cet. No weekend games, we pretend to have a social life.

  2. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    The time thing has gone strange on the proposal page… I think its changing things for when the time goes back an hour or something.

    we will play you guys on thursday at 20:30 cet / 7:30 pm uk time

    is playing on our server ok?

  3. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Winter time, probably. Sounds good :)

  4. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    So, apparently the conversion from summer to winter time didn’t go as planned. Should we fix this manually?

  5. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    Nice catch. I re-proposed the same time :)

  6. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    Hey shabba, you logged out 22 seconds before I could msg you :P

    You guys wanna change it to wednesday 9th instead? Same time.

  7. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    I’m too fast for you :p

    Unfortunately wednesday is no option, because we are already playing a match at that exact time. But I gather thursday doesn’t suit you? We could go for something like monday the 14th.

  8. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Monday, 14 November 2011, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  9. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Okay then.

  10. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    last match of the season :) lets make it a goodun

  11. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    merc confirmed


  12. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Who’s this I eat peaches you’re talking about?

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