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Season 10!

Division 4b

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by esk (Team Useless)

Default Win

International neXt vs Ukraine Team Useless
6 - 0

SourceTV: Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Team Useless (6) DESPERADO, Darth_WeideR, lippy, esk, Humby, YanG "Пальмира"
neXt (6) Link!, DarkSlayer, Coco, Clark, Atkins, Mr. G - String



  1. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    gonna try and contact Useless leader sometime this week to schedule a game

  2. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    A useless leader? :D

  3. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Agreed on Thursday the 13th @20:15cet.

  4. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    lol CanFo

  5. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by DAKKA.neXt`.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 26/10/2011.

  6. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    20:43 – DAKKA Clark: granary badlands obscure snakewater gullywash
    20:45 – lippy: snakewater
    20:45 – DAKKA Clark: obscure
    20:48 – lippy: granary
    20:48 – DAKKA Clark: badlands
    20:48 – DAKKA Clark: we are playing gullywash 2 times

  7. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    we agreed on not playing gullywash 2 times and instead of this play badlands.

  8. atomic said:

    neXt to win this :>

  9. dr icecream said:

    Belgian sollies for carry!

  10. esk said:

    connect stv

  11. esk said:

    DAKKA. suki ebanue

  12. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    http://www.multiupload.com/9AF9AG0WAX Turbo’s demo where the 2 heavies are visible.
    Even tho one of the two heavies might have not been shooting, it was still gamebreaking because of focus targets (we had kritz).
    I talked with Humba about it, and we’re gonna let the admins decide.
    No hard feelings towards your team.

  13. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    I don’t know if it’s been done automatically or someone from our team must have pressed the “Verify Results” button by accident, but we are still thinking that a gamebreaking took place on gullywash, so these results don’t count.

  14. AeZ!: TP said:

    Can any of the teams upload the correct Steam_ID screenshot please?

  15. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Here you go:

  16. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen :)

  17. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Yep, sorry, didn’t notice that. :)

  18. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Nothing worthy of a warning, but do any of you happen to have a steamid screenshot of better quality? Testing our parser..
    If you do, please upload it here: http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen

  19. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    That’s weird, I have a better resolution steamid screenshot on my pc but when I upload it, the resolution reduces itself.

  20. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Ok, I uploaded it now. Seems to be showing a better quality.

  21. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Can you upload an stv demo by any chance?

  22. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    It was played on Team Useless server, they should have the stv demo

  23. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Thank you very much, Clark :)

  24. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Lol, it’s 3-3 again.
    Who the hell verifies the results?

  25. Mr. G - String: DStS said:

    we forgive u league admins ^^

  26. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Default win to DAKKA.neXt at the request of Team Useless.

    Additionally a minor warning for first-time flaming to Team Useless, and an added not-first-time flaming warning for continued abuse.

    Remember that we are all here to play fair games. Also make sure you familiarise yourself with the rules of the league you are playing in.

    Good luck in the games to come :)

  27. esk said:

    задрот доволен радуйся 6 очков получил но вы всеравно нубасы

  28. GIntex: [d¿s] said:

    esk, if I were you I’d stop flaming now, just a tip

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