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Season 10!

Division 3e

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by dougiie (Cream of the Crop)



5 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Egypt Elite nile Gunners vs Ireland Cream of the Crop
3 - 3

SourceTV: Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Cream of the Crop (6) troot, Paul, dougiie, nbmstr, Smeg, pizza
Elite nile Gunners (6) Josh, WildEast, Chad, Mr.Dr.Venom, R.R, Sparky
Unrostered (1) Swi



  1. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    I guess we are fine for most days/times, when can you play it though?

  2. dougiie: CotC said:

    well aren’t you very fast ;)

    I’ll have a chat with the lads tonight so I’ll let you know!

  3. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:


  4. dougiie: CotC said:

    I’m currently moving house so have no internet for about a week (lucky you xDDD) so hopefully someone else will see this and organise something. :)

  5. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    lucky me idd lol
    Proposed next Monday 20:30cet.

  6. sλayeR said:

    Go Go camels!!

  7. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Monday, 26 September 2011, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  8. [EnergyLT]: Win said:

    Gl Gunners!

  9. mettbroetchenstyle: TC.Pengcomp said:

    dont mess with the rastaman! gl hf all :)

  10. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    Smegma told me this will be wildcard’d, so no game tonight.

  11. Saadyst: ~ said:

    That’s what they WANT you to think… dem Rastas, always sneaky

  12. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Rasta Gaming.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 10/10/2011.

  13. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    4. Smegma proposed to play at 10/10/2011 20:00, which was accepted
    5. Smegma proposed to play at 10/10/2011 20:00, which was accepted

    stop proposing the same date :D

  14. Trane said:

    Go Rasta!

  15. pHifel said:

    go KnG

  16. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    Go Camels!

  17. LinKin said:

    Rasta to win this <3

  18. sL. said:


  19. Amr: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    gl both teams, wish for a good interesting game :)

  20. dougiie: CotC said:



  21. Taoism said:

    camels to win this :D

  22. Amr: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    new stv info connect; password omak

  23. sL. said:


  24. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    what a load of fucking shite….. anybody know why mumble makes my game lag and crash? i crashed in the last 4 fucking mins of gully.

  25. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    and mumble was lagging me through both games….

  26. dougiie: CotC said:

    the internets man, our demo had 500 ping on badlands OH WELL

  27. Smegma said:

    wild is sooo aggresiv :D

  28. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    gg really, nbmstr absolutely raped us with his sniper rifle :P

  29. dougiie: CotC said:

    we, as Rasta Gaming would like Josh’s demos plzzzzzz :)

  30. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    i honestly feel proud i’m getting asked for my demos :o :D but i’m just wondering why.

  31. Mark: <3 said:

    stop hacking n00b

  32. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:


  33. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  34. wolve: [d¿s] - LEGO said:

    Everyone knows scout is ez mode dougie!

  35. dougiie: CotC said:

    yeah If we could have the demo’s that would be great :)

    also the stv?! So I can rage about badlands some more ;)

  36. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    I gave Smegma the stv demos for both maps, but it seems Josh doesn’t have his own demos.. :/

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