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Season 10!

Division 3a

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Hildreth (LagTastic Gaming)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



2 - 5

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1 - 6

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European Catch 22 vs European LagTastic Gaming
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Catch 22 (5) Fragm3nt3d, mutaNT, Hofven, Nuck, atomic-
LagTastic Gaming (6) Lord Benjamin, CrashSite, Rinta, jackkai, Hildreth, MEGAMIDDIE
Unrostered (1) Sikopata


  1. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    This is gonna be good, isn’t it.

  2. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    yaaao. Looking forward to this!
    Tuesday 27th might be the best option for us – but please contact Fragmented about scheduling this.

  3. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Hi pandas.

    Unfortunately I am going away on Holiday from the 23rd – 29th September so only date possible next week will be Sunday (my team refuse to play without me, oh how I am loved).

    Anytime from 20-21.15 CEST is ideal on Sunday although we can make it a little earlier.

  4. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    ooooh man

  5. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    cooler y offline in steam?

  6. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  7. atomic said:

    fine for us

  8. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    I think I’m the only person except hildreth who checks this, so I better say it’s not okay for us, we can’t play without Hildreth panda. :(

    Can we not reschedule to a different time, one where we have our demoman :x
    1st of october would be better..

    I guess I’ll add someone from the team (fragmented has full) to see.

  9. Xabi said:

    1st of October is a Saturday if i’m right ! There is no chance that we’ll be able to play on saturdays :)

  10. atomic said:

    also as i know mutant won’t be able to play on sunday 25th, so get a merc? Or play this game after 2 weeks :DDDDDDD

  11. Lord Benjamin: RIPMOULD - has $w@G said:

    I’m pretty sure Mould meant Sunday the 2nd of october, we cant even play on saturday ourselves

  12. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    I did, I am just a fail((

  13. atomic said:

    lol, I was drunk ffs, so sry I meant sunday the 2nd of october too, not 25th

  14. Rinta said:

    I’m trying to contact Catch22 to decide on a date that would be good for everyone.
    For now I get the following:

    Catch22 > atomic*: as our leader said we won’t be able to play this game on next weekends 1,2 of october
    LTG. Rinta: hmm
    LTG. Rinta: and thursday?
    Catch22 > atomic*: which one?
    LTG. Rinta: 29th
    Catch22 > atomic*: might be possible, but you better ask him :D

    [11:55pm] hello
    [11:56pm] tell me when you have time to talk, need to decide on our etf2l 1st week game
    [11:56pm] we cannot play it on tuesday, but in 2 weeks is fine with us; we could probably play thursday next week too, if it’s fine for you
    [12:25am] mould wildcarded
    [12:25am] Fragm3nt3d «[email protected]» has Quit iRC (Signed off)

    Mould didn’t wildcard, so I hope we can still be fairplay and decide on a good date when everyone can play.
    We informed Catch that we cannot play this Tuesday pretty early – on wednesday sep 21, so it is not a sudden decision, for which wildcards are designed.

  15. Rinta said:

    hmm IRC quote didn’t come out that well… first 3 lines are by me, 4th one is by Fragmented :)
    In case it’s not clear…

    It’s IRC cause Fragmented’s friends apparently are full.

  16. Fragm3nt3d: Animate said:

    Mould did sayyou would be using wildcard, dont start with “fairplay” , i offered 3 days to mould, you are not the only one with member availability constraints.. Re-add me and see if we can sort something else to save you wildcarding.

  17. Rinta said:

    Tried to contact Fragmented today right after PCWs:

    0:35 – LTG. Rinta: hello
    0:37 – LTG. Rinta: I’m sorry for miscommunication with Mould, he wasn’t really supposed to deal with it :)
    0:37 – LTG. Rinta: so how about playing the game the week after the next one?
    Catch22 > !Fragm3nt3d! is now Offline.

    my local time is GMT + 4 so it’d be around 10:30 PM CEST time
    Fragmented disconnected at about 11:10 PM CEST time

    If anyone of Catch22 would inform me of the dates convenient for you during next 2 weeks (here on the matchpage) – I’ll much appreciate that.

    For us next week is all good (besides Friday & Saturday, but noone usually play these days anyway)
    This week is good only starting Thursday (but it seems it’s not convenient for Catch22).

    I’ll be online on steam tomorrow by 7:45 CEST ready for discussion :)


  18. Caeli: #T4F said:

    GOOD LUCK RINTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You will win :D

  19. DIEVAS1 said:

    gl atomic

  20. Frix: LG said:

    go atomic!

  21. Rinta said:

    Yeah right, rescheduled it to 9th Oct, 21:30 CEST for obvious reasons of us not being able to play this Tuesday :P
    Thanks Fragm3nt3d for cooperating!

  22. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Mould to carry

  23. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    cool s9 rematch. LTG to win, gl!

  24. Lord_Khronus: .Dicknitas said:

    Mutant to carry, catch22 to win. gl folks!

  25. Lukas: ti. said:

    GL LTG :) and Atomic ;)

  26. Fragm3nt3d: Animate said:

    In relation to our merc

    Catch22 > !Fragm3nt3d! MIX: sikopata
    Catch22 > !Fragm3nt3d! MIX: spainish
    Catch22 > !Fragm3nt3d! MIX: sorry ingame ill get after
    Catch22 > !Fragm3nt3d! MIX: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/5471/
    LTG. Hildreth: Division 2?
    LTG. Hildreth: Ahh well I guess he will be ok

  27. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:


  28. atomic said:

    wp pandas! gl in upcoming games

  29. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:


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