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Season 10!

Division 2a

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Latvia CIDO vs Germany dotpiXels
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:


  1. AnimaL said:

    tue 4th oct 2115?

  2. The Pledge said:

    We’d like to play some time later, if that’s possible. Maybe sunday next week, the 9th?

  3. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 06 October 2011, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  4. AnimaL said:

    well, we can do tue-thu 2115

  5. AnimaL said:

    nothing… ok lets play on def date then

  6. The Pledge said:

    Tried contacting you yesterday, but I was busy throughout the night so I couldn’t get back to you. We can’t play tonight, as I have real life commitments, so if you guys cant reschedule to either sunday or tuesday next week , then we’ll use our wildcard tonight.

    I hope I can reach you in IRC later today. Sorry for all the inconvenience.

  7. AnimaL said:

    yeah sunday 2115 it is then

  8. atomic said:

    Izspiediet no tiem visu sulu :)

  9. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    You want to squeeze juice?

  10. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    Atomic weiss auch nicht was sich gehört, der Vogel der Nacht :D

  11. Sc said:

    google translate? :D

  12. Septique said:

    dotpixels confident of winning this. quod erat demonstrandum

  13. doks said:

    2ez. CIDO 6-0

  14. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    doks gl finding a team :D

  15. The Pledge said:


  16. The Pledge said:

    [20:05] you here?
    [20:08] yes
    [20:08] we cant play tonight
    [20:09] no merc available, and our demo’s internet connection is unstable
    [20:09] so we’re using a wildcard
    [20:09] sorry

    Match will be rescheduled asap.

  17. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by dotpiXels.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 23/10/2011.

  18. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Gravelpit………………………………………………………………………… :|

  19. AnimaL said:

    we can play thu 2115

  20. Fleischpanzer: \\V/ » - vier said:

    gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo dotpixelzzzzzz

  21. Master_Nick said:

    stv? :)

  22. m-ex: v. existence said:

    go cido, go cido, monkey will carry =]

  23. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    can we reschedule game tonight?
    we have a pretty tight schedule over the next days i think, let me just check the calendar real quick and talk to my team
    one of our players pc has died
    so its bit meh for us
    already talked to admin he said we can reschedule if u agree
    any chance u can get a merc or something? we cannot play on sunday, wireplay on monday, etf2l on wednesday and what i heard from the team so far is that they would rather prepare on tuesday for wednesdays game, instead of having 3 officials in 3 days
    and it is not getting less, we are like 3 games behind our schedule in wireplay already, so we cannot really shift any of those
    any update?
    trying to find someone
    btw, would u mind playing another map than gravel?
    is mirelin ok?
    as demo

    k then cya @ 21:15
    what about the gravel question?

  24. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Pretty sad that they won’t reschedule as our demo has got PC issues out of nowhere for just today. :| And they aren’t even allowing a merc :( You guys make me sad.

  25. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    For clarification who is talking when:

  26. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Is having to play 3 officials in 3 days the main reason for not rescheduling?

  27. monkye: Gutta said:

    wp :)

  28. KOALA: PrettyGay said:


  29. atomic said:


  30. Crab said:

    amazing way to win;) wp

  31. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    GJ, I understand you want to get some points in the season. WP, GL IN FUTURE

  32. The Pledge said:

    Unlucky you guys were unable to play with 6, but we had no other choice than to force the game to be played today. GL in the future, hope to play you guys in a pcw sometime :)

  33. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    btw, nice reason. We don’t want to play 3 officials in 3 days. wp, just wp.

  34. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    thalash is a fag

  35. GOLDENSCOUT: 105 said:

    Good job dotpiXels! Dont want to be last on this season?

  36. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Too bad about your Demoman, and you guys being unable to find any other merc than Mirelin.

    Hope to play you guys sometime.

  37. stvv: WUL said:

    You got mad when they refused a prem player as a merc? =/

  38. AnimaL said:

    shut up steve

  39. v1c: Abm. - LAME said:


  40. Mark: Phase said:

    Mirelin is a better demoman than Destructo.

    This is what people actually believe.

  41. LinKin said:

    Geil erster Win,geiles Match! Weiter so!

  42. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    y no use wildcard cido

  43. AnimaL said:

    cuz etf2l as allways has stupid ruleset which doesnt allow taking wildcard when u need it

  44. Kenny: v. existence said:

    Good job dotpiXels! Dont want to be last on this season?

  45. hoppi: TIDS said:

    wow we lost all our games, lucky that we could get a def win… oh wait !

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