Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 9

Division 4e


Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Royz_ (PunchLine!)



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia Crucial Team vs France PunchLine!
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


PunchLine! (4) Royz_, Slay_, zakounet, _Vigny_
Crucial Team (5) UncleZombie, MozG., Glupiy, PrincePersic, Junk
Unrostered (3) viper, qp0jr, kustom3


  1. Whiteglow said:

    gl crucial

  2. Crasp: (Legend) - BACΩN | - бекон said:

    Hi Crucial Team and PunchLine!,

    As the newspost says, the schedule deadline for this match is June 12th, and the match deadline is June 19th. Please play this match within the deadlines.


  3. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    STV please guys, the league game was close between you 2, this could be epic!

  4. Red XIII: LDLC.com said:

    gogo PunchLine!

  5. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Definetely wanna see this, link the STV if you can! :D glhf guys!

  6. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    You got this thanks to us, gl both teams. May the best win!

  7. croco said:

    Давай, выноси лягушек! :)

  8. Kel said:

    go crucial (:
    gl and pwnz

  9. LegioN: uns. - uns said:

    gl Crucial

  10. Daron: r4k - >TJ< said:

    go go go crucial

  11. ioWa said:

    go crucial! gl!

  12. sunshine said:

    gl crucial!

  13. Despair said:

    gl cruscial! \o/

  14. Royz_ said:

    maps are cp_gravelpit, cp_badlands and cp_gullywash as decider map.

    22:51 – Uncle Zombie: ok. who is first?
    22:51 – P! r o y z: as you want
    22:52 – Uncle Zombie: ok.

    22:52 – Uncle Zombie: =)
    22:52 – P! r o y z: ^^
    22:52 – P! r o y z: We remove turbine
    22:53 – Uncle Zombie: hmmm
    22:53 – Uncle Zombie: cp_granary
    22:54 – P! r o y z: ok so
    22:54 – P! r o y z: warmfront
    22:54 – P! r o y z: now what map you choose ?
    22:54 – Uncle Zombie: choosing cp_gravelpit
    22:55 – P! r o y z: ok cp_badlands ^^
    22:55 – Uncle Zombie: mkay
    22:55 – P! r o y z: so gully as decider map

  15. Zomb!e said:

    thats it:

    Crucial Team: cp_gravelpit
    PunchLine: cp_badlands

    decider map: cp_gullywash_pro

  16. Keyro: Cheater said:

    GO GO GO Punchline §§

  17. empty111 said:


  18. fat0n: RB - tm.hl said:

    gl Diablo & co ^^

  19. AriM said:

    gl pline

  20. Royz_ said:

    gg, good luck for the next

  21. Zomb!e said:

    gg wp

  22. Junk said:

    really wp, gl in playoff

  23. doudd said:


  24. kustom3: AwS - DA! said:


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