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Season 9

Division 1

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ups (Russkies)



3 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

European I Don't Know? vs Russia Russkies
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A B C D


Russkies (6) hamster^, krol, chich, swat, Rubikon, ups
I Don't Know? (6) HYS, Traxantic, Giusepinho, kurt, Nisa, Tek


  1. OzZzi said:


  2. Dummy said:


  3. darkman: starlight said:

    gogo Russkies )))))))))))))))))

  4. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:


  5. flushy: P.O.P said:

    <3333 hys carries so hard

  6. Molinet: \\o/. said:

    Good luck OX :3
    hys nuuuf :P

  7. Septique said:


  8. ups said:

    The match date isn’t good for both us (upcoming DSC lan) and OX-Gaming (their medic dropped from the team recently), the match will be re-scheduled

  9. Square said:


  10. esk said:


  11. Skazka said:

    Good luck, RAGE ! Do them !!

  12. broesel: LAME said:

    fury <3

    good luck OX!

  13. dafoq said:

    Please STV :)

  14. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    we are gonna use two mercs cuz our medic is on holiday due to easter and our demo pc is broken, so gdk and another player that we havent choose yet will play as merc tonight.
    its allright for you?

  15. ups said:

    Just letting you know the team decision:

    No, gdk is not fine as he is above the level of your own players, this is just an attempt to get an advantage by switching your own players for mercs.

    You also have plenty of people on your roster, and we will not allow you two mercs as this is an official match, and not some sort of a mix fun match.

    Again, this is a team decision, but you are welcome to blame/flame me if you have any issues with it. Feel free to contact me with any further information.

  16. ups said:

    Let me clarify: we have no problems with you having 1 merc as long as you ask for our approval of him (he must be around your skill level obviously)

  17. Cek: 7lives said:

    gogo ox! cosa ha fatto la mamma di nisa dopo la scuola?

  18. pala4 said:

    gl, RUSSKIES !
    stv pls

  19. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by OX.Enermax.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 09/05/2011.

  20. hys: TLR said:

    Hello ups,

    ‘this is just an attempt to get an advantage by switching your own players for mercs’

    I may be addicted to computer games and a sad fuck by nature but lets just take a reality check and realise that this is a game we’re talking about.

    Since I first joined OX, we lost our main medic, our leader and then our new medic again to a job over the Easter Holidays and to top it all off, my PC blew up and I don’t have the money to fix it until my birthday in 3 weeks.

    So yeah, great analysis of OX, especially on the skill level front too, I’m the demo and main caller so I doubt bringing in a Russian is going to give us any advantage.

  21. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    ‘so I doubt bringing in a Russian is going to give us any advantage’
    Well, well.
    Insulting isn’t basically the best way to keep this discussion on.
    Ups didn’t say anything abusing you, he just told his team’s thoughts.
    And your insults just proved they were right.

  22. hys: TLR said:

    Clark, I wasnt being insulting at all, I’m the main caller and our first choice of language is English. We recently played with Galant and that presented us with some problems because of a break down in communication. This is in no way offensive or insulting at all to gdk or any other Russian. The point I was trying to make is, why would we want to break up our core6, which are all talented players and familiar with how each other play to replace them with a player we have never played with and is likely to cause communication problems (by removing the main caller to do so).

    Lets get this straight, your conclusion to what I said is that my “insult” directed at RAGE proves OX is trying to gain an advantage by using “higher skilled” mercs? Maybe you ought to use your brain before you type that dribble onto a match page thats primary use is to aid in the arranging of fixtures between two teams (neither of which you are in).

    I don’t need your advice on how to keep discussion going. But I think you’ll find ups is clearly stating we are trying to replace our players to gain an advantage, which sure, isn’t going to kill anyone, but is offensive and unnecessary. There is absolutely no reason to suggest that OX would want to do this, or any reason to believe otherwise. Histerim clearly stated my PC had broke and our main medic is away for Easter.

  23. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Monday, 09 May 2011, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  24. biohazard: IDK said:

    hys and Trax 2 STRONK

  25. Evil: aqeze said:

    Russkies will play 1st game tonight??? oh snaps!

  26. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    GO GO RUSSKIES! 2 heavies on mid plz

  27. fury said:

    heavy limit 1…
    its ok hist

    GL OX <3

  28. Ocelot: Asp - niveous. said:

    STV please..

  29. Galant: candy - Autism said:


  30. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    and russian stream here:

  31. Tek: ft. said:

    Just an awesome match ;).

  32. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Please upload a status screenshot.

  33. ups said:

    I uploaded the client status screenshot, rcon status has to be uploaded by our friends from OX-gaming, since it was their server we played on.

  34. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Where did you upload it to? It doesn’t appear on the match page.
    Please use this page: http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen

  35. ups said:

    I thought I did, submitted it once more. Check if the issue is resolved

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