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6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Netsky (MTF.Gaming)



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

European Yikes! vs Luxembourg MTF.Gaming
0 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Yikes! (6) gryzor, Henchie, y4k, BlinkBoy, hz, Twister
MTF.Gaming (6) Hisui, Netsky, pischto, jety, Dut0n, splinter


  1. Netsky said:


    how about 23rd @ 20:30 CET?
    (except we have to play our week1 match on that date that is ;) )


  2. Tikcus said:

    sure why not

  3. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Nice map choice :) Exactly what we need to practice as well.

  4. Tikcus said:

    13:01 – MTF! Netsky: I would like to ask you, if we could reschedule that ladder match?
    13:01 – .:ne:. tikcus: sure
    13:02 – MTF! Netsky: ok will ask my team mates as soon as possible, since we want to play with our regular roster without merc
    13:03 – .:ne:. tikcus: just let me know

  5. Netsky said:

    we agreed to drop sadlands.

    .:ne:. tikcus: probably can’t get 6 on for 20 cet, 20:30 will be doable though (maybe 2 maps instead of 3 if it gets to late or something?)
    MTF! Netsky: sure why not – warmfront on gpit?
    MTF! Netsky: *and
    .:ne:. tikcus: ok

  6. jety said:

    gg wp

  7. Netsky said:

    I apologize for the first missing gravel screen, but well tikcus ate it :(

  8. Netsky said:

    anyway good game!

  9. hz said:

    sorry about shit game guys.

    lets play again sometime again!

  10. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Well played MTF, you showed them some Luxembourg power!


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