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Season 9

Division 5f

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Henchie (Yikes!)



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

European Yikes! vs International Vuze.
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Vuze. (7) jUICY, Mardy-Quief, daithi1, bulletproofsmurf, Beefy, Mikeyt03, Sp00ky
Yikes! (5) Tikcus, Henchie, y4k, BlinkBoy, Special_K
Unrostered (1) MrSlappy


  1. Tikcus said:

    Good morning Vuze 5:24 and i’m awake may as well get this started

    Generally we are available sunday – thursday after 20:30 cet

    pick a day, and we’ll try our best to accommodate, leave a message here or add me on steam, both work

  2. Beefy: Vuze. said:

    Hey guys!

    Wednesday at around 21 CET would be real good for us. Is that alright?

  3. Tikcus said:

    how about wed 30th @ 21:00 cet?

  4. Tikcus said:

    tuesday should be ok @ 21:00 cet

  5. Beefy: Vuze. said:

    i suggested a different time, you put it in for 22CET, thats too late for us :(

  6. Tikcus said:

    we may need a merc medic (we may not)
    would you allow http://etf2l.org/forum/user/16973/

  7. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    If not Ice Cream, me?

    Good luck anyways guys. Go Go.

  8. dr icecream said:

    Ohai x)

  9. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    gl NE gold ;)

  10. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by nervousENERGY Gold.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 12/04/2011.

  11. Tikcus said:

    Sorry for the wildcard guys, along with one medic quiting, and a last minute family commitment, we wont be able to field a strong team tonight (without using mercs)

    Same time next week?

  12. Sp00ky said:

    That sounds fine guys, Don’t worry about the wild card these things happen hope you get it sorted.

  13. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    vuze to carry

  14. Tikcus said:

    sent proposal for Tuesday @ 21:00

  15. Tikcus said:

    may need a merc soldier, this guy ok?

  16. Beefy: Vuze. said:

    yeh thats fine with us :D

  17. Beefy: Vuze. said:

    also, we can use your server right? ours is massively screwed lol :D your server is nice if i remember right ::D

  18. Tikcus said:

    no problem with using our server

  19. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Gl gold.

  20. y4k: :) said:

    Good game, shame about the disconnects for both sides on Badlands but didn’t change the score :) Really good game on Warmfront, enjoyed it XD

  21. daithi1: BACΩN | - бекон said:

    GGs, yup really enjoyed warmfront was pretty amazing.

  22. Califax: dyn. said:

    Gratz Vuse! ;)

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