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Season 9

Division 6h

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European DeadLine vs Japan Aria Company
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


DeadLine (6) Mr.Wolfy, Stuppa, scatmo, alfonso_vk, Damasko, tencru
Aria Company (6) akarin, Rin, Horo, uncleer, Botja, Imouto


  1. Alice said:

    Hello Ancients.

    My team and I have discussed this and we reckon that Thursday, 24th March is the best date to hold this match on. I have other things happening on the 22nd and 23rd and we are short on people to merc.

    I’m not going to discuss a time right now but we are generally able to play from 1900 CET onward. Earlier is doable but you would be looking at 1600 CET as the absolute earliest since we have members from the USA and Canada.

  2. Alice said:

    I have tried to speak to one of your leaders on Steam, but I didn’t receive a reply in over three hours. I last posted here five days ago and there has literally been nothing in the way of a reply. It is now the 23rd and my scout may be going out of town on the 25th and 26th, and he is the one who arranges people to merc/ring for us so we will be down one and therefore unable to play.

    If I don’t get any sort of reply by Friday I am going to have to speak to an administrator.

  3. akarin said:

    they don’t even have 6 in their roster. Wolfy is a fake acc so this is a waste of time.

  4. Mr.Wolfy said:

    Hi , sorry for reply too late , we were talking about it , and we think the best date for play its 27th if you cant the 25th and 26th , and at 22:00 pm (in spain). One more time , sorry for answer too late.

  5. akarin said:

    Okay. I’m fine with that one but half of my team will probably be in bed around this hour already but at least we know something now.

  6. Horo said:

    I’m no longer going to be away on the 25th and 26th. The 25th sounds good with me. Basically any time between 9 AM to 3 PM (EDT) is fine with me. Let’s get this shit organized.

  7. Alice Carroll said:

    With that in mind, the latest we can play is 20:00 CET. If that’s possible it would be great!

  8. Mr.Wolfy said:

    Well , 20:00 CET its fine , I must talk it with my clanmates , but I think there´s no problem with that , but , the better day for us to play its the 27th , this Sunday.

  9. Alice Carroll said:

    That’s great. Thanks a lot.

  10. stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    have luck

  11. Mr.Wolfy said:

    Thanks at you ^w^ , I talked it , there´s no problem , see ya !

  12. northhhhh said:


  13. Mr.Wolfy said:

    Hi! , we are going to have a merc. I must know if you have a problem with that , if there´s ok for you that would be nice.

  14. Horo said:

    That’s fine.

  15. Horo said:

    As long as he isn’t in any teams above Div6.

  16. Mr.Wolfy said:

    Okay , he had played a long time ago on div5 , but now he is on div6 . We need the connect and password , thank you!

  17. tencru said:

    people connect?

  18. Mr.Wolfy said:

    We are waiting for the connect and pass !

  19. stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    cmon the connect plz

  20. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    gg nice math

  21. tencru said:

    apologize for Wolfy, no echo traps any, is to steam the wrong id,he have 2 steam accounts, correct it immediately, apologize for the inconvenience and good game

  22. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    scat is hardly a division 6 merc when he played for a division 4 team. Moreover, wolfy is not allowed to play with his other account unless he gets his steam id changed. Please contact an admin via IRC to get his steam id changed.

  23. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    scat was targeted in a team to play in div4 but has not come to play as much as he has played is div5 but now is with us in div6 meaning that it is not 4 player div6

  24. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    You should have asked your opponent if they allow him to play although he was in the roster of a division 4 team then.

  25. Mr.Wolfy said:

    # 819 “Wheres Wolfy?” STEAM_0:1:15416748 01:13 96 0 active
    Thats my id , I have two accounts , but I only have team fortress 2 in this , which I use to play it, I´ll change it now

  26. scat: 27/2 said:

    I have never played in div 4.

  27. tencru said:

    1 hour later we started for them, and yet this happens ¬ ¬
    with this sort of thing you learn.

  28. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    default win for our
    your team enter the server at the 20:27 when we said to play it at 20:00
    etf2l rules say that a maximum wait is 15 min
    should default win for our

  29. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    scat did not play in div4 was targeted but did not play due to lack of skill
    ie is not div4 is div5
    asked if they had any problems that play a player div5
    and therefore were not averse to playing
    but anyway, scat is a player of the clan that is not authenticated by admin

  30. Alice Carroll said:

    Actually you scheduled the match for 21:05 CET. This is what it said on the ETF2L site and that is the information I relayed back to my team.

  31. Alice Carroll said:

    In other words, 8pm my time. We showed up half an hour EARLY, if anything.

  32. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    Well , 20:00 CET its fine , I must talk it with my clanmates , but I think there´s no problem with that , but , the better day for us to play its the 27th , this Sunday.
    wolfy said that

  33. Alice Carroll said:

    Mar 27, 2011, 21:05 CEST

    Yes. It says this on the top of the page. If I am not wrong, that is 20:05 BST.

  34. Alice Carroll said:

    Well really I was going by the scheduled time on the calendar. I mean, if you wanted to play at 20:00 CET then you should have scheduled it at 20:00 CET and we wouldn’t be in this whole mess. I thought you changed the time so I went through with 21:05 CEST as posted on the top of the page.

  35. stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    Scat played with koapunch 2 before they started the div4 (he left the team without playing any match in div 4), and he played with entropy in div4

  36. stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    also we waited them like 35 minutes

  37. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    is unfair but that’s was 5-0 in the two maps so we will not have trouble climbing but there are more teams that use of this so unsportsmanlike

  38. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    gl for the remaining games

  39. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    I did not have a good feeling awarding Aria Company the default win. It was a pretty clear 5-0 stomp on both maps and I doubt that a lower skill merc would have made a huge difference. Also, you could interpret Horo’s statement “As long as he isn’t in any teams above Div6.” literally since scat is currently in a division 6 team. However, what he meant was, of course, that your merc should never have been in a team above division 6.
    This is why I had no other choice than giving a default win to Aria Company.

    To avoid situations like this in the future, you should always offer a specific merc to your opponent (including ETF2L or Steam-profile link) and ask, if they approve him (not just “any merc”). On the other hand, you should not approve “any merc from div 6 or lower” since that leaves much room for speculation and can easily be misinterpreted.

    The unclarity about the match schedule can be explained with the switch to daylight saving time on Sunday morning at 2AM. The entered time (20:05 CET) in your calendar has been changed to one hour later for the proposal (21:05 CEST).

    I have no doubts that Where are the Sollys? will win their upcoming matches in this season with a roster like that and I wish only the best to both teams.

  40. Sacrilege: L9 said:

    Having watched the match, I find it funny that where is the sollys claim unsportmanship behaviour from aria company, when they first show up an hour early, cause they can’t check their calendar, then yelled at the other team to get their six or they would report a default win, basically making aria company play 40 minutes earlier without them having time to prepare. Then lie about the merc they went to use claiming he was div 6, while he played in div4, see the soldier carry hard in both games even tho aria company despite the match result did some pretty good defense at times. And then after the match whine about unsportmanship behaviour because that gets reported, and now the where is the sollys captain is adding everyone of ruerins friendlist to ask for a replay “because an admin told so” without anything to back that up? Its amazing how uncouth this team behaves.

  41. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    nobody has called you first
    and then the date was written at 20:00 Sunday at 20:00
    anyway it is established that we have too much skill for a player move up and nothing changes
    the match was 5-0 team, no player
    I hope that this issue is settled and nothing rude

  42. alfonso_vk: iSharks - HbS! said:

    and was added to the players to pass the connect

  43. tencru said:

    We played 2 more times vs Aria, We Have a player Soldier Who Was a scout and Moved to play with us, we win 2 times with this team tsanummy (scout) soldier now, we do Not win only by scat ^ ^

    PS: I think we should repeat the game, because the error was on both sides ^ ^

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