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Season 9

Division 6f

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by lawn (HoC)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A B C D ]

Russia High Fidelity vs Sweden HoC
6 - 0

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A B


High Fidelity (6) Head, Numb*ER, JohnTheHorse, Ofigenski, Cheetos, St-Pierre
HoC (4) HOUSEMASTER, Romper, lawn, Killerfisk
Unrostered (2) Funkadelic, WT


  • Map 2 (cp_gullywash): First Person [Pruned] by Ofigenski (342 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (ctf_turbine_pro_rc1): First Person [Pruned] by Ofigenski (375 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (cp_gullywash): First Person [Pruned] by lawn (352 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (cp_gullywash): First Person [Pruned] by Numb*ER (368 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (ctf_turbine_pro_rc1): First Person [Pruned] by lawn (376 Downloads)


  1. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    connect;password hfi

  2. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    gl hfi

  3. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    RusDestroyer 2000

  4. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    gonna have to wildcard I think, none around

  5. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by HoC.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 07/05/2011.

  6. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    posting here as to tell HFI that we may not be able to make it for the proposed time (unaccepted).
    we MAY be able to make it but it is unclear yet so I didn’t accept, I’m just posting here to warn you guys that we may not accept etc, so that if we do accept 1 hour before the match, you’ll be warned.

  7. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    we are ready to play and waiting for your decision, guys =)

  8. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    hai o/
    we prefer to play this match at this dates:
    30.04, 01.05, 07.05 19-30 CEST
    or any other day 18-30 CEST
    if you will able to play – send a proposal and message me via steam if it is possible =)

  9. RazeR: ha-ha said:

    easy game for HoC)

  10. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    match server info:
    connect;password hfi

  11. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    this merc allowed

  12. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    very nice game :D!

  13. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    very fun and fair with no problems

  14. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    we are requesting for pov demo from player with nick [HoC] WT

  15. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    for turbine_pro

  16. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    we should have it for you within the next 3 days. :D

  17. HOUSEMASTER said:

    honestly you guys were the worst people i probably any of us ever met
    you were such a fucking pain in the ass starting out with wanting to play on only your
    really fucking suspicious server which you probably played every match on before us
    that’s the reason you won any match because the other teams just couldn’t be fucked
    enough to put up with your goddamn bullshit

    just fucking accept that one team for once didnt play on your goddamn sourcemod plugin riddled clusterfuck server and you fucking lost, stop whining and trying to get demos screenshots to find one goddamn fault you can complain about just to get a free win

    tl;dr fuck you

  18. HOUSEMASTER said:

    why did i post that? youre just going to use that as a way to get a free win or minus us
    yeah thats how you roll right

  19. ashkan said:

    Minor warning given to HoC for flaming.

  20. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    We are not agree with the result of match and we are thinking that admins were not fair with our team.
    Now I’ll try to explain situation.
    We tryed to play this match from April 23rd, but by some reasons it was delayed to yesterday evening.
    When it was a matchtime, the opposite team joined our server (located in Netherlands). Their pings was fine. BUT they told that we are cheaters and it is source mod installed on our server O_O
    Server info was on a matchpage from April 23rd, 2011 at 1:18 pm and May 7th, 2011 at 7:12 pm. Opposite team saw it and could test server before the match. BUT NO! they joined it and told that we are cheaters:

    After that they gave us ip:pass to their server located in Sweden and ask to join it (it was already 5 minutes after sheduled match time). I just added this info to HLSW (I hope all knows this software) and saw that pings were about 170-180. I tryed to explain to their leader that we are from siberia and prefer to play at our server because we searched this hosting for a long time and it is most convinient for us (our pings there about 100-120). But answer was: you are cheaters! you can use damage multiplier, bla-bla-bla…
    I just leave it here: http://rghost.ru/5519431.view

    We agreed to play at etf2l match server but there was a merc in their roster. They asked to this guy from div5: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/24575/ as merc, but after they called us cheaters we didn’t agree and then they did a nice move:
    “He will join our team” – LOL, we are know the rules:
    2.2 Only correctly entered players are allowed to play
    Players are eligible only when they have correctly entered their Steam ID and are verified on their team’s roster.
    So, not verified player = merc.

    When I typed it to chat at matchserver – they was laughing. Huhy (which was contacted at #etf2l) said that we must play against 5 or default win for us, but opposite team asked Snowy (admin) to join the server (it was already an hour delay from sheduled time). And his strange opinion was: they will use div6 merc or we’ll need to reshedule it. OMG 1 hour delay by their fault. We are CET +5, it was 1 A.M. in our timezone.
    Rules in this situation said:
    3.4 Delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    There wasn’t info about mercs or our “cheater’s server” at a matchpage and 1 hour delay was by their fault.

    After all, by the desition of Snowy, we started our match after 1.30 delay with their div6 merc.

    Else, we requesting pov-demos from their sniper [HoC] WT and demomen. We are supposing that firstone is using aimbot and 2nd is using wallhack (we’re not sure about this guy). It already was an incident in their previous match, where they were unable to provide demos: http://etf2l.org/matches/25967/
    Me and my mates has never seen so perfect sniper play and suspect this guy ([HoC] WT) is cheating. I’ll provide my pov-demo later and you’ll see his “premium div” sniper play. He killed our medic+demo and even scouts EACH TIME.

    Also, server crashed 1 time at turbine and 2 times at gullywash. We suppose the reason of it was using a cheats by opposite team. And another cool story: when we played gullywash and there were 4 minutes left – server hanged up for a minute. We thought that it crashed again (like it was 3 times earlier), our demo alredy tryed to rejoin but the server hanged down.
    We asked other team to restart, but they said: “Server didn’t crashed”
    Here is a screen: http://rghost.ru/5521651.view
    You can see that our demo just joined the server. It is another approving of unsportsmanlike behaviour of HoC.

    >>> honestly you guys were the worst people i probably any of us ever met
    >>> you were such a fucking pain in the ass starting out with wanting to play on only your
    >>> really fucking suspicious server which you probably played every match on before us
    >>> that’s the reason you won any match because the other teams just couldn’t be fucked
    >>> enough to put up with your goddamn bullshit

    >>> just fucking accept that one team for once didnt play on your goddamn sourcemod plugin riddled clusterfuck server and you >>> fucking lost, stop whining and trying to get demos screenshots to find one goddamn fault you can complain about just to get a free win

    >>> tl;dr fuck you

    Nice comment showing true face of this team. MORE RAGE PLEASE!

    Btw, it is possible that delay was wilful from HoC. They knew that we are CET+5 and even on match server they has posted comments like: “maybe it is better to you to go sleep”

    Consequently our desition is:
    – to wait for just admin decition
    – to wait for requested pov-demos

    We’ll not verify results before this things will occur.
    We think that HoC is very unsportsmanlike team, and asking for punishment for them and reconsideration about our match.

    Thats all :)

  21. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    Small addition about the last lag. See how the opposite team don’t want to restart cfg and affirm that there wasn’t any lag :/

    [HoC]Romper ALONE : omg…………..
    Ofigenski : restart
    Ofigenski : 4 min left
    [HoC] WT : Why
    [HoC]BubbleBobbler can mixmerc : WHY
    Cheetos подключается (connecting)
    [HoC]Romper ALONE : server didnt crash
    Housemaster : y
    heady : FROZEN 2 PLAYERS
    [d¿s] f-f-Funkadelic : then pause?
    Housemaster : wat??
    Housemaster : wat lag

    Here is a proof screen: http://rghost.ru/5535981.view

  22. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    Hello HoC and HiFidelity.

    Due to the way that this match has turned out and the allegations of cheats being thrown around you are ALL required to upload POV demos from both maps.

    HiFidelity, please note that contesting a server and then playing on an ETF2L neutral server is allowed within the rules.

    HoC, please note that your conduct throughout this match has been unacceptable and unsportsmanlike.

  23. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:


    Info about match-server was on matchpage for a long time and they could test it before the sheduled time, but not 5 minutes after match starting time. We suppose that they were afraid of installed auto-record plugin and that their cheater will be exposed.
    When we went to etf2l server there were only 5 their members and one unapproved player, who joined their team even after sheduled time. When we told them to play with 5 or it is a def win for us, they only laughed, speaking that this merc is in team already :/

  24. Killerfisk said:

    We can give you demos if you’d like. Sure. We never called you cheaters once, we just wanted a neutral server, that is all. What you take from that is irrelevant. I don’t see the problem really? When we finally came around to playing, we had a div 6 merc, that you accepted. And you were fine with the game but you choose to complain now that you’ve lost? You could have paused that game, the server didn’t crash when your two guys left. You were free to pause it. The server we finally played on was also in the Netherlands, so I don’t see the problem there either.

    Yes our demoman did flame you, I can’t say much about that. I apologize on his behalf.

    Please put in mind that YOU decided to play, we agreed on the conditions. We had a neutral Netherlands server like you asked, a div 6 merc that you also agreed on, and the games were played fair and square.

  25. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    >>> Please put in mind that YOU decided to play, we agreed on the conditions.
    >>> We had a neutral Netherlands server like you asked, a div 6 merc that you also agreed on, and the games were played fair and square.

    We were at server in time… At server which was on match-page. But already after match sheduled time you said that we can cheating there because of installed source mod. There is no any word about ban of sourcemod in rules. And you should test server before match, NOT AFTER MATCH STARTING TIME.
    After that we joined etf2l server, yes. But there were only 5 your members and 1 unapproved player who joined your team AFTER SHEDULED MATCH TIME.
    Head admin Snowie should gave us def win because it was a more than 1 hour delay by the fault of HoC.
    But he asked us to reshedule this match or to agree for div6 merc (AFTER MORE THAN 1 HOUR DELAY BY THE HoC FAULT).
    or this rule is canceled already?

    3.4 Delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

  26. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    was the player that HoC asked to use allowed or disallowed?

  27. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    we disallowed this guy http://etf2l.org/forum/user/24575/
    there wasn’t info about him before the sheduled match time and he is from higher division.
    but after we said it, their leader just told that he joined their team (it was happen even after sheduled match time)
    screen: http://rghost.ru/5519781.view

    and here is a log of chat to Huhy:
    [01:05] there is a problem
    [01:05] they using unapproved member
    [01:06] he just joined team
    [01:06] but we are not allow him
    [01:06] what shuold we do?
    [01:06] mm
    [01:07] tell them to play with 5
    [01:07] if not a default

    and they tryed to hurry us to play against 5+1 unapproved merc:
    [01:12] Housemaster : u have 10 mins until we def win btw
    [01:12] Housemaster : so hurry up making ur mind up
    [01:12] Housemaster : if u wanna play
    [01:12] dont listen to them

  28. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    omg wrong thread ;[

  29. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    no it is okay. I’m already tired of all this strange situation :/

  30. HOUSEMASTER said:

    you forgot about the part were you allowed our merc first time we asked

    you forgot about the part were you absolutely refused to play on a neutral etf2l server until we got an admin

    you forgot about the part you were denied our first allowed merc when we switched servers

    you forgot about the part were the server crashed 10 times and people can forget to record demos after a rejoining, only to crash again

    you forgot about the part were you can type pause, and if you want to pause you pause you don’t beg the other team to do it because you can do it yourself without a problem

    you might have also forgotten the part were you can lose sometimes

  31. honeymustard: Phase said:

    jimmybreeze says housemaster hacks…

  32. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:


    I’m already posted many proofs and my point of view at this page.
    You are just making unsubstantiated statements.

  33. HOUSEMASTER said:

    i give up
    go on trying to claim a def win maybe that will make you feel better or whatever

  34. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    A) we never called you cheaters, we just claimed that we didn’t trust sourcemod and wanted a neutral server. there were no claims from me nor (I don’t think) from any other member of my clan, if they did claim this (like house did in his post that recieved us a minor), then it was done as satire.

    B) After you said our server wasn’t fine, we were ok with that.
    we offered you multiple neutral servers, I even said we could have a dutch neutral server, but no, we had to resort to using that crashy server

    C) the “merc” we asked to use wasn’t a merc, he was an unverified player for our team…he may have played in a div5 team, but, if he’s signed for a div6 team, that makes him a div6 player (DERP). note that housemaster has played for knifeback mountaineers who played at lower divs than div6 in the past, yet he’s still in HoC and is still considered a div6 player.

    I don’t mind that regardless, he WAS an unverified player as you said, what annoyed me was that you ALLOWED him from the start then changed your mind after we wanted a neutral server (pathetic).

    we never called you cheaters as you claim when we asked you to switch servers, maybe you’re one of those weird guys who thinks I ruined your honour and now you have to commit seppuku before you shame your family’s name and honour any more, but we never said you cheated until we started saying it as a joke. joke

    Yes, we then ‘did a nice thing’ and accepted him into our team, because he was trialling for us and was soon to join anyway.
    there is our recruitment topic that we made, I’ll keep it open so that you can verify I’m not lying to you.
    if admins can see closed recruitment topics, you’ll see getfoo also made one in which is the way I got in touch with him. you’ll also see that what he is offering (div5/6, scout/solly) was exactly what we were looking for in case you have some final doubt in our ‘story’

    D) You were really going to make us play 5v6 when we could get a merc of the same skill as us? hahaha, pathetic. snowy’s opinion was a correct one.

    E) we said things like ‘maybe it’s better you go to sleep’ BEFORE the match, seeing as it was an hour and a half delay and you said that you couldn’t play at times beyond the time of the delay… it was an offer for a reschedule (which the admin said we could)

    F) the server DIDN’T crash, and you had the ability to pause, you didn’t have to ask us. we had no issue and didn’t understand why YOU were asking US to pause. I don’t even know HOW to pause l0000l
    [d¿s] f-f-Funkadelic : then pause?

    the ‘what lag’ comments were a joke again. as were my ‘fair and fun match’ comments, I thought I’d clear that up before you use it as ‘evidence’ for your ‘case’. l0l

    “Also, server crashed 1 time at turbine and 2 times at gullywash. We suppose the reason of it was using a cheats by opposite team.”

  35. Killerfisk said:

    We did NOT play with GETF00 as our sub, we used Funkadelic, who you approved. When an admin was on the server you said “no div 5 player” etc, and we got Funkadelic, who was a div 6 player. And you were okay with him, and now you change your mind? This is ridiculous.

  36. honeymustard: Phase said:


    nuff said

  37. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    etf2l is serious business honeymustard don’t start

  38. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:


  39. Killerfisk said:

    You cannot just listen to their version of the story and then give a default loss. That’s close-minded and stupid, especially when most of the stuff they say is irrelevant and/or false.

  40. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    2bubble bobbler:

    A) You shall test match server before matchtime. Sourcemod installed – not a reason to change a server after sheduled match-time. Show me the rule about it in ETF2L, please.
    Moreover, we were agree to provide stv demo after match: http://rghost.ru/5519691.view

    B) You offered server located in Sweden, where I had a ping about 170-180. After discussing, we joined ETF2L server without any delay. You can request logs of server and you will see it

    C) >>> the “merc” we asked to use wasn’t a merc.

    2.2 Only correctly entered players are allowed to play
    Players are eligible only when they have correctly entered their Steam ID and ARE VERIFIED on their team’s roster.

    D) >>> You were really going to make us play 5v6 when we could get a merc of the same skill as us?

    3.4 Delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    E) >>> we said things like ‘maybe it’s better you go to sleep’ BEFORE the match
    It not the worst thing that you did. Don’t want to comment this…

    F) >>> the server DIDN’T crash, and you had the ability to pause
    Server crashed before this moment for 3 times (3!!!). And when 3 minutes left – server hanged up again (like previous 3 times). Our demo already rejoined server (like he do it previous 3 times) but you said that there is wasn’t a lag: http://rghost.ru/5535981.view
    If you had problems with your roster, you should contact me or post this info at matchpage.

    And what about requested pov-demos? We reminded you to write them on match server.
    I have a screen of chat, if it is need :)

  41. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    the following sentence shuold be in “C”
    If you had problems with your roster, you should contact me or post this info at matchpage.


  42. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    “D” exactly ;[

  43. Killerfisk said:

    We’re allowed to play on a neutral server despite whether your server is okay or not. Please stop repeating yourself with that.

    You never tried joining that server and check your ping, either way its irrelevant since we ended up playing on a dutch server anyway.

    You allowed him before, but since you changed your mind later we got a div 6 merc, who you allowed.

    The server didn’t crash, and you had the option to pause if you so wished, there isn’t much more to say about that.

    And the fact that you chose to complain about all of this AFTER you had lost really speaks for itself.

  44. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    >>> We’re allowed to play on a neutral server despite whether your server is okay or not. Please stop repeating yourself with that.
    Why you didn’t check our “Cheating” server BEFORE THE MATCH?

    >>> You never tried joining that server and check your ping, either way its irrelevant since we ended up playing on a dutch server anyway.
    I used HLSW. If you don’t know this software, then search it at google.

    >>> You allowed him before, but since you changed your mind later we got a div 6 merc, who you allowed.
    Show me info on matchpage, please
    You just said that he is already in team. BUT HE JOINED YOUR TEAM EVEN AFTER MATCH SHEDULED TIME.

    >>> The server didn’t crash, and you had the option to pause if you so wished, there isn’t much more to say about that.
    It was unsportsmanlike from your side to not reload the cfg after our demoman rejoined server (in time of rollout to middle) and I (medic) being killed while asked you for restart at chat.

    >>> And the fact that you chose to complain about all of this AFTER you had lost really speaks for itself.
    There are many facts of your unfairness and unsportsmanlike behaviour. And we can’t be silent in this situation.

  45. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Can reccomend this read to people 10/10!

    funkadelic is like a 5/4 soldier anyway so :p

  46. Sarah Walker said:

    Can I just say that HF were no problem when we played them. No server issues, no merc issues. We just turned up, played on time and had a good game.

    So far my experiences of HoC are not as good. I added their so called leader to steam to arrange our game. He said he had proposed a date and it was December 2012. We proposed a date which was ignored and now we are defaulted. How helpful.

    >>>We can give you demos if you’d like.

    I’d love to see them.

  47. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    btw, I’am already uploaded to matchpage my (medic’s) pov-demos for both maps (but admins didn’t approved it yet).
    It is very interesting to watch them (especially turbine_pro)

    And ALL our pov-demos already were sent to admins in private. So we are waiting for your demos, ESPECIALLY FROM [HoC] WT

  48. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    I’m just waiting on funk’s then we have everybodies.
    and sarah, that date was just so that we would actually start speaking

  49. Killerfisk said:

    I can’t believe you are still going on about the server. We are allowed to ask for a neutral server, we did. Just drop that already.

    Okay you checked your ping, we got a neutral NL sever anyway so it was fine.

    Yes he wasn’t registered. But you did agree to our last sub, which we played with.

    Maybe, it is also very unsportsmanlike to try and claim a deff win AFTER the game has been over, AND you lost. Fair and square.

    The fact that you pressed ready(this basically means you agree to the conditions, otherwise you would not have started the match) AND played the entire game, BOTH maps and then try to claim a deff win by complaining about our sub that we didn’t even use, the fact that we wanted a neutral servers, LYING about us calling you cheaters. Just drop it, we played the match, your team clicked “ready” our team did aswell and we played the match. Our team won, you can’t always win, accept your loss.

  50. Sarah Walker said:

    Why do you have to wait for all the demos? Can you not upload what you have?

  51. jgmaster: BM said:

    I am 6 div merc.

  52. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    ok. it would be better for us to play against that div5 unapproved merc that day and after match to post here:

    But no! We tryed to be fair. We told it to you! “He can’t play! We don’t allow using that div5 merc.”
    But you instead of searching another merc just starting to laugh, saying: “He is in our team already” and by your fault was that 1,5 hour delay.

    Else, why [HoC] WT still didn’t upload his pov-demo? He couldn’t forgot to write it, cause we reminded your team to write demos.

    We are not agree with the result of both maps because:
    – you had 6 players only after 1,5 hour delay (which was by your fault)
    – your sniper/scout WT cheated at both maps
    – you didn’t reloaded cfg at gullywash when the score was 4-5

  53. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    Finally my (medic’s) pov-demos are approved and everybody can watch it. It is very exciting performance :]

  54. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    I put my demo’s up here for dl, gonna send a pack full of all of our team’s demos to an admin once I get our merc’s demos

    there are parts missing due to crashing etc so I’m expecting minors but it’ll allow you to at least see most of our performance

  55. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    oh, I also have got everyone on my team to install p-rec so nobody will be able to forget to record in the future.

  56. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    2bubble bobbler:
    We requested WT’s pov-demos, not yourth.

  57. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    the admins requested everyone’s demos, ofigenski.

  58. fe said:

    hi guys. it is funny here ;)
    look what happens when team uses unverified member http://etf2l.org/matches/22646/
    and, if player never PLAYED in div 6 team he is not div 6 player.
    as ofigenski said, he asked admin for def when game delayed, but admin said game must be played or postponed. thats why game is played and you see all this AFTER the game, do not replace reason and result.
    btw, you can ask for neutral server, but don’t forget you can reject merc, especially when he is from higher div.

  59. Spike Himself: TC said:

    HoC, please give High Fidelity the demos they asked for. They have the right to see them.

  60. pappe: .cc said:

    FYI here’s the stv demo on granary of the match we played against HoC


  61. Killerfisk said:

    The game was not only postponed because you told us later on you didn’t want our merc so we had to switch him, but also because you kept denying a neutral server. It took a long time for you to actually join the neutral one that was provided to us.

  62. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    We were at that etf2l server not later than 5-10 minutes after you gave us ip:pass.
    You can request logs from admins and you’ll see it.

  63. Killerfisk said:

    Despite all that, the fact is you pressed “ready” and played the game. If you did not agree to one of the conditions or wanted to claim a default win for something, then you should NOT have played through the entire game, and when you lost choose to complain about it.

  64. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    There are facts of breaking of rules and your unsportsmanlike behaviour. Why we should be silent in this situation?

  65. Killerfisk said:

    We played the 6v6, with a div 6 merc, that you accepted. We played all maps fair and square (without any rulebreaking). We won, you lost. Deal with it.

  66. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    >>> We played the 6v6
    After 1,5 hour delay by your fault…

    >>> with a div 6 merc, that you accepted
    We claimed for a defwin before that. We claimed it from huhy and snowy (but snowie admins the league by rules, that only he knows)
    I’ll just leave it here:
    3.4 Delay of 15 minutes is allowed
    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    >>> We played all maps fair and square (without any rulebreaking)
    Yeah, right. Especially at gullywash, when you didn’t restarted configs. Very fair xD

    >>> We won, you lost. Deal with it.
    You didn’t provide pov-demos that we requested.

  67. rapax24: aS♦ said:

    sounds funny how you just got a minor warning for not being able to provide pov demos from a particular player and then he just keep forgetting to record one…

  68. St-Pierre: <FA> said:

    League Bans

    It is with great sadness that we announce the following bans;

    WT -Triggerbot

  69. Numb*ER said:

    Stupid schoolboy

  70. DoNn said:

    noob cheater

  71. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    Some of the greatest e-drama right here.

  72. Jazz: ScS| - (Q)< said:

    Join in next week to see who else is cheating in etf2l.

  73. northhhhhh said:

    extremely sus hoc vs a rus team

    whatever happens, nobody wins ;_;

  74. honeymustard: Phase said:

    hfi actually believing that being banned on ETF2L means you actually cheated :((

  75. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    HoC actually belivieng that these posts will justify themselfs :D

  76. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    ofigenski I sent you a match result which has both maps 5-0 in your favour so cut the bullshit and accept it rather than trying to make us look bad and finding any excuse to make passive snide comments.


  77. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:


  78. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    btw, what screens you are talking about?

  79. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    what results*

  80. lawn: ︻芫═一☺ - hp said:

    you see it now?

  81. Ofigenski: hfi - kzmntrs said:

    after contacting with Crasp at #etf2l this result is accepted

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