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Season 9

Division 6a

Week 7

Date Scheduled:

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.


Map not yet decided

[XX] - [XX]


Map not yet decided

[XX] - [XX]

European Team Transition vs European The Pact Community
[XX] - [XX]

Active Wildcards:


  1. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:

    gogo team tranny :D

  2. Ryssen: re# - Chive said:


  3. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by The Pact Community.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 25/05/2011.

  4. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 24 May 2011, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  5. Flack: ÐP | Highlander said:

    Also we do not agree to mercs.

  6. Ryssen: re# - Chive said:

    Lol? Why not? And we cannot play 21 cet.

  7. `vathoreD: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    gl tt

  8. rts: PrettyGay said:

    lol deep pact, why so douche

  9. Flack: ÐP | Highlander said:

    Dear readers, this is a respond to the message wrote on Team Transition’s profile page by tt.Asteryz .

    After I told Team Transition that we were going to use a wildcard, We got a default date set by “Spike himself” In respond from Team Transition I got a message from tt.Asteryz(our opponent) after the default date was set, that they was not able to play at default date.

    We can therefore not take the responsi’bility of tt.Asteryz late respond to the default date and the default date that was set. We have not at any time been interested in a default win as tt.Asteryz claims.

    according to tt.Asteryz manipulated sentence of what I said, I gave him following respond: “I thought the date that is set was counting, we can no longer play Wednesday now, Tuesday is better for us”(yet he didn’t propose another date). This match will not give us any points as Team Transition is dropping, we are aware of this and don’t feel the need to get free points as we play this season for fun and not just to win by default. We hope this have cleared some things out and we would be glad for a friendly match in the future versus Team Transition!

  10. northhhhhh said:

    well played transition, drop like a boss and ruin the whole season for everyone with a game left to play, and the top teams in the group.

    hope you’re happy as forever div 6, transition.

  11. Asteryz: Br0 - Chive said:

    You agreed to play Wednesday, then you backed out. I didn’t propose a new date because you logged out of steam before I had time to read your message. Late response? I talked to you 6 days before the game and within 12 hours of receiving the default date.

    @north ETF2L policy is ridiculous yes.

  12. northhhhhh said:

    You are ridiculous, you’d rather drop and act like spoilt children then actually try and play EITHER of your two games.

    Grow up, please.

  13. Flack: ÐP | Highlander said:

    As I just said, I thought you cut play Tuesday until you wrote me and you claim this to be ETF2L and my fault, that you cut not find any time to make another proposal on etf2l or write me the next day?

    Grow up…..

  14. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    If you had left some info about the scheduling process it would not have come down to this… We can not read minds. We just make sure that every match is schedule after some time in case one (or both) teams is/are not interested in scheduling.
    I can understand tt’s decision to drop somehow because it seems DP are not willing to reschedule or even allow tt a merc to play this match with 6 players.

    Also, please do not flame! :)

  15. Slliter said:

    We could have gotten atleast 2 default wins but we waited for our opponents and played fair, and you’re saying you’re not here for default wins so why aren’t you allowing mercs ?

    @North you’re a douche btw look at your team history mr. forever div 6

    P.S. Fairplay award goes to *drumroll* …

  16. Flack: ÐP | Highlander said:

    Due to the rules we can choose not to agree to the use of mercs, simple. Don’t flame about it…..

  17. >) said:

    @dorthhhhhhh u mad

  18. northhhhhh said:

    Yes, actually I am. I would like to have taken 1st place after an ultimate battle of the beasts between us and princesesesesses

    Oh well, forever 2nd place :(

    ilu silly

  19. >) said:


  20. Flaoua: dSp\' said:

    The nice conclusion to all that would be that we already know that Princesses are good at the Game of Thrones :O


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