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Season 9

Division 5j

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Netsky (MTF.Gaming)



3 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Luxembourg MTF.Gaming vs Russia Who I am ?
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Who I am ? (6) sano, Chev, comedown, reddit, w4ke, bazooka
MTF.Gaming (6) Hisui, Netsky, pischto, jety, Dut0n, splinter


  1. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Proposal might not reflect the timezone properly… March 27th at 19:00 CET?

  2. step said:


  3. Commie: 4-25 said:

    i cant play 27th, may be 26th at 19.30 CET?

  4. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Gonna have to ask my ppl, will get back to you asap.

  5. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Seems like we can’t play on the 26th…

    How about Friday 25th or Monday 28th 19.30 CET?

  6. Commie: 4-25 said:

    hm, friday 25th, i can play :)

  7. step said:

    i can too

  8. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Hey guys, turns out we can’t play on Friday after all……… Gah. Good thing you didn’t accept the proposal straight away after all… :D

    How about Monday 28th 19:30 CET?

  9. reddit said:

    i can’t 28th =\

  10. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:


    What about Tuesday then, same time? If not, what other day works for you guys next week?

  11. reddit said:

    Why you can’t play 25th?

  12. Commie: 4-25 said:

    i want play this game on this week

  13. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    We can’t play on 25th because our Demo can’t be there, last minute family meeting announced.

    Do suggest dates. This week might be tight, so we are realistically looking at next week.

  14. Raiden said:

    gl wdc !

  15. reddit said:

    demo merc?

  16. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    nope.avi, we love our demo too much :D

    We can play on Sunday, Monday, or another day next week.

  17. sano: kZk said:

    on next week will be 2nd week no?

  18. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    The season officially started yesterday the 21st, so this week is just for scheduling for 1st week matches, although matches can already be played.
    Next week (28.03-03.04) is therefore where the 1st week matches are supposed to be played. :)

  19. reddit said:

    you can play Friday on next week?

  20. reddit said:

    on Friday*

  21. reddit said:


  22. reddit said:

    sry for my english :)

  23. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Yep, that’s fine for us.

  24. sano: kZk said:

    mabe will play 1st april, Friday? on next week

  25. sano: kZk said:

    maby* :D

  26. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Hello, I sent the match proposal quite some time ago.
    Will you accept to play 1st of April 19:30? If not, please submit a new date/time.

  27. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    I just noticed that the old proposal was turned into 20:30 because of the switch to summer time that took place this morning. I have updated it now to 19:30.

  28. reddit said:

    Yeah, ok

  29. comedowN: 4-25 said:

    good luck mtf, i will hope that it match will be very good :)

  30. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    GL to you too! :)

  31. jety said:

    Gl and HF

  32. reddit said:

    gl mtf :)

  33. sano: kZk said:


  34. sano: kZk said:


  35. Netsky said:

    gg, badlands was well, lucky but well played from your part :)
    but I was rather disappointed of your warmfront play :( I was looking forward for an other epic 30min :(

    anyway gg :) nice guys

  36. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    </3 badlands

    gg though!

  37. reddit said:

    need more play warmfront… gg :)

  38. comedowN: 4-25 said:


  39. Eatton^: LSD// - poXYQ said:


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