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Season 9

Division 4b

Week 8

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by dave (Triple A)



4 - 5

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1 - 4

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International swimp vs Germany Triple A
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


swimp (5) Mort, Colt., Kingcrispy, Spike Himself, BoneS
Triple A (5) Nuck, XHunter, dave, ash, IPZIE


  1. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Hey guys! I know it’s a bit early still, but just throwing it out here;
    We generally play Su/Mo/Tu/We/Th from ~21.00 CET. Let us know what suits you best!

  2. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Howdy. Pretty much the same goes for us generally, Mo/Tu/We are best, Sunday might work from time to time as well, but we prefer Mo/Tu/We.
    I´ll add you in Steam for scheduling!

  3. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Monday would be great for us, 21.00 CEST.

  4. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Might work, will have to talk to my team first though. Alternatives would be Wednesday and Sunday…
    I will ask and get back n touch with you!

  5. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Splendid, thanks :)

  6. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Okay, so I talked to my team, at least to the ones I could reach, and it seems that our Demo isn´t available on Monday.
    Tuesday could work though, as well as Sunday.
    I will talk to you via Steam on the weekend to schedule this when I spoke to the rest of my team again!

  7. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Sunday would be the best option out of those two.

  8. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    Sorry for not answering earlier, it´s been a busy weekend…
    I´ll confirm the date you proposed tonight when I´ve spoken to everybody from my team!

  9. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    accepted. cu next week lads

  10. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Cheers! cu then :)

  11. Ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Intense game guys, enjoyed playing you lot. :)

  12. Nuck: TIDS - TSGHUH said:

    badlands almost gave me a heart attack…

  13. Spike Himself: TC said:

    gg :)

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