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Season 9

Division 4a

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by franky (Catch 22)



1 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

European Catch 22 vs Sweden SdX Gaming BLU
4 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


Catch 22 (6) Fragm3nt3d, franky, Clark, Cooler, mikakoTABE, Easy-
SdX Gaming BLU (4) crizzl, Dr. Phil, Oneflower, CoFiX


  1. Garm3n: SdX BLU - sdx said:

    Hi :) how about playing on wednesday 27/4 at 20:00 CET?

  2. Taig: Eastbound&Down - /ban said:

    pretty impossible for us :x

  3. Garm3n: SdX BLU - sdx said:

    OK. What day suits you the best?

  4. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    gg. badlands was intense.

  5. Taig: Eastbound&Down - /ban said:

    gg wp guys, most exciting badlands i had in a while.
    sorry for cooler being unmature & uncool <3

  6. Garm3n: SdX BLU - sdx said:

    He ruined a great feeling after i fun and wp match with his unsportsmanlike behavior. But gg and hf the rest of the season.

  7. Garm3n: SdX BLU - sdx said:

    i = a :)

  8. Cooler: 4Queens said:


  9. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    taig, like i said, badlands was boring imo :>

  10. Lord_Khronus: .Dicknitas said:

    Well done Catch. Taig 2 strong

  11. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Guys, could you please upload stv’s from both maps?

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