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Season 9

Division 2b

Week 9

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

France Punchline vs Germany vier // red
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Punchline (6) Gladia, GGL, Captainhax, payard, Flinn, Flippy
vier // red (5) LooGiii, Min:Dfreak, Ripple, bìester, mimzyy
Unrostered (1) danny.


  1. Ripple said:

    proposed a date, won’t be able to play 10th-22nd, and in the week starting the 23rd we’ve already got 2 matches + yours if you’re fine with the date.

  2. Ripple said:

    would prefer it to happen between 30th of may / 5th of june

  3. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    Div2 match of the season for sure!

  4. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 29 May 2011, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  5. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    4:2 for vier would be great to win the division.

  6. Ripple said:

    check this pls guys: connect; password reiv

    organizing a stv relay and got a normal tv with 50 slots aswell.

  7. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    This should be casted.

  8. MinDfreak said:

    +1 for the cast :)

  9. Septique said:

    Div2 match of the season. Good luck Vier!

  10. Ehehe said:

    gl vier!

  11. keepy said:

    gl BLAST

  12. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    This is gonna be sick. Go Vier!

  13. yin said:

    i want stv and cast pls :D

    gl to the epic battle flippy vs danny :D

  14. NeuTronas said:

    Go Go vier!

  15. Ripple said:

    Singe the blast guys don’t respond to me on steam and this matchpage, i’ll post the Stv for you guys, they should Be Fine with the Server anyway. If Spots aren’t enough, a relay is also Ready.

  16. danny. said:

    gl vier

  17. D.o.B.: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    gl vier

  18. yin said:

    GO BLAST (them away) you get it :p

    flippy ballbowsz gonna rape u

  19. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:


  20. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:


  21. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:

    edit love ya mindfreak <3

  22. >zimti<: #T4F - #T4F said:

    MinDfreak > Blass

  23. apollon: FLANK said:

    MinDfreak > Blast

  24. Manu: 50829 said:

    ripple will outshine them all.


  25. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    gl vier

  26. Ripple said:

    technical problems at the serverprovider, it won’t start at all. Gotta move to another server, sorry guys.

  27. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    stv ?

  28. biester said:

    so close

  29. utaL said:


  30. Ripple said:


  31. Captainhax: AwS - DA! said:

    gg :o)

  32. payard: mLm said:


  33. yin said:

    haterz gonna hate well done BLAST :D

    flippy > danny

  34. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    thx to my fanclub, shoutout to biester

  35. biester said:

    ye mate you are too pro :P

    Folge 2: Nitrose Flippy (Div2, aus Fronkraisch)

    Nitrose Flippy :7: i need to talk toyou
    Nitrose Flippy :7: but it must be private [<- lol; /editor's note]
    Nitrose Flippy :7: you know that danny hacked on css
    Nitrose Flippy :7: and many of us thinks that he still cheating on tf2
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|<: yea but he isnt cheating in tf2
    Nitrose Flippy :7: we had a spc
    Nitrose Flippy :7: spec
    Nitrose Flippy :7: and
    Nitrose Flippy :7: he gonna send the demo
    Nitrose Flippy :7: to the cheat staff of et2l
    Nitrose Flippy :7: he has a trigger bot
    Nitrose Flippy :7: dan is my friend [<- LOL, okay … /editor's note]
    Nitrose Flippy :7: you know that
    Nitrose Flippy :7: but i really think that he cheats …
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|.>
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|<: you are just sad that you lost against div3 xD without me xD
    Nitrose Flippy :7: it's not possible
    Nitrose Flippy :7: you agree
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|<: you just have to say that we played better then you amused
    Nitrose Flippy :7: nop.
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|<: why?
    vier ° Minamusedfreak-san 3|<: i fyou want we can make a rematch one day smiling then with me smiling
    Nitrose Flippy :7 is now Offline.

    nothing to add :)

  36. payard: mLm said:

    rage more

  37. biester said:


  38. payard: mLm said:

    i heard you ragequitted mumble after the game, so stay humble in the defeat kthx

  39. Ripple said:

    nvm him, told him to shut up – was a good game.

  40. Flippy: LEGO - DA! said:

    you must be proud, pasting a log who has something like 4/5 months. Actually i have nothing to proof, i have my opinion about danny and that’s all. If there is nothing else for making you jizz in your pants, you must be really sad in your life. I think if you would win you would can open your fucking mouth, but now shut up

  41. biester said:


  42. biester said:


  43. Ripple said:

    would all the kids now shut up please and go to bed, it’s late. gn8 and gl in div 1 guys :P

  44. Captainhax: AwS - DA! said:

    So much drama :(

  45. Ripple said:

    Dry for that Boys, Rolf hin to Be quiet, you were clearly the better Team tonight and i wish you gl in the Future :) cheers! Gl with getting the Perfect Streak ;)

  46. Ripple said:

    *sry + i told him

  47. danny. said:

    OMG ok guys listen… Flippy and me are cool together we don’t have any arguments at all…
    BLAST played very well and we failed …. unfortunately. Maybe cus we didn’t played for 3 weeks as mainlineup or maybe because BLAST is just better…

    Stop the childish comments…

    (The last sentence goes mostly to my team)

    I hope to meet you guys in div1 again =)

  48. pr3d said:


  49. LooGiii said:


  50. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    vier you disappointed me, i thought you were gonna beast the table

  51. biester said:

    sry for this shit i wrote yesterday – you just played better gl in div 1 next season :)

  52. payard: mLm said:


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