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Highlander Challenge Cup Stage


Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Linus (SNSD)



1 - 0

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0 - 1

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0 - 1

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Finland colony vs SouthKorea SNSD
3 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


colony (8) fraggen, furbo, nappr, J0rmund, zoob, SabaSaba, noretus, s3
SNSD (8) loveless, roblax, immortal flow, Alx, hurr, Hurri, Linus, Hat
Unrostered (2) TheSucker, sir


  • Map 1 (pl_upward): Source TV [Pruned] by zoob (1033 Downloads)
  • Map 3 (cp_dustbowl): Source TV [Pruned] by zoob (961 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (pl_badwater): Source TV [Pruned] by zoob (907 Downloads)


  1. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    lets switch medics

  2. Nana-chan said:

    I’ll merc medic for colony np.

    Nothing more pleasant than backstabbing on Linus. ;)

  3. Califax: dyn. said:

    Congratz to both teams! Let’s make it an epic final on good maps!

  4. s3 said:

    oh shi-

  5. hurr said:

    is this gonna break Spam Effect apart??????????????????????

  6. Nana-chan said:

    Highlander Ladder
    19-08-2010 21:44 Challenge SNSD colony :E 0 – 0

    # hurr: sfx – :E said:
    August 19th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
    not a good time to try out a new mouse, but gg anyways. rematch inevitable. >:E

    An epic finale stage for the unplayed rematch.

  7. zoob said:


  8. Alx: SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    So much sfx on both sides :o

  9. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    12:45 – zoooob: g’bye viaduct
    12:45 – SNSD ♥ Linus: cya gravelpit
    12:45 – zoooob: goldrush, gtfo
    12:45 – SNSD ♥ Linus: l8r steel
    12:46 – zoooob: we choose upward m8
    12:46 – SNSD ♥ Linus: our home will be badwater m8

    upward + badwater and dustbowl as decider

  10. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Nice maps. Like it.

  11. Alx: SNSD-jjang ♥ said:


  12. s3 said:

    aww, y u remove steel? dats racist

  13. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:


  14. NoWhereMan: DMS:H said:

    Will be streamed the final?

    Make up a date come on ^^

  15. Califax: dyn. said:

    Push-fest for final… Guess payloads are the big winners of this highlander challenge… ;)

  16. R.A.W.Agent said:

    Congratulation to BOTH the teams :)

  17. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    colony got this in the bag!

  18. Luzik: Suoli - moog said:

    Go colony!

  19. znarkeluff: SStina - [α] said:


  20. chojje: keso said:


  21. sKaz: KP said:

    hurr hurr hurr! gl :D

  22. daystar: ‹Con› said:

    Steel could’a been so good. Oh well, I’m still rearranging our team’s Wireplay match to watch this!

  23. poxie said:

    colony deserve it. SNSD are just korean.

  24. Jarppa: Feacon said:

    Go Colony! :E

  25. Setlet said:


  26. Septique said:


  27. McQu@ck: [RJ] said:

    Forza Colony :E

  28. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:


  29. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    gogo colony.

  30. Hirvisorsa: tR67 said:

    SNSD hwaiting

  31. 0v4r: busi said:


  32. [½]³: elem.v - SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    Should be epic, glhf.

  33. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    Good luck lads, should be a good one.

  34. Tommy Testosterone: [d¿s] said:



  35. Nana-chan said:

    Very intense game. Obviously happy my friends won but well played on both sides!

  36. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Really nice way to end the tournament, well played.

  37. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:

    bah, the extra status screenshot didnt upload :(


    here u go

  38. chojje: keso said:


  39. hurr said:

    we singing about our victory


    gg gg gg bb bb bb

  40. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:


  41. Setlet said:

    I ddossed the server so SNSD could win upward. AND THEY DIDNT :(

  42. Septique said:


  43. Taimou said:

    never watched a single game from highlander tournament but hoped for fellow finntards to win.

  44. Anhur: plēve said:

    lol dat screenshot :D

  45. byte said:

    These guys and girl put alot of effort into this final, they not only practised on Friday but on Saturday came for help on strats about the decider, their work ethic overall coming into this highlander challenge was very good.

    Effort x ability = Success, they certainly have the ability, their team play and positioning was one of the bests in the challenge, and their efforts was commendable!

    Unlucky to colony, but SNSD did their homework.

    Well done to both teams.

    The recorded cast will be up soon. I will make a post as well so you are notified.



  46. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:


  47. zoob said:

    Fantastic game indeed and well played :)

    I’m proud that we made it this far. Our lineup has stayed pretty much same for last 11 months. There has been occassions where we could’ve recruited top level players from other teams and got a prem level buddy, but we have stayed as just a group of friends who play for fun.

    SNSD has changed its roster a bit lately, with highly skilled and motivated people joining the team (or mercing). While some of us were a bit weary after playing for such a long time in the tournament, SNSD was putting more hours in practice than ever. They definately were most determined to win the tournament.

    Thanks to ETF2L for organizing the tournament.

  48. MikeW said:

    As Zoob said it was a fantastic game and well played by both teams. I also agree with zoob about people getting weary towards the end. It was a really long tournament and it took a lot for the teams at the end to even be there still playing together after so many months. I find I want to kill some members of my 6v6 team after 5 minutes together :D

    I personally want to thank Linus for making some tough decisions along the way which were in the end proven to be the right ones and also for keeping the team going and motivated throughout the tournament. He didnt just accept that some people were growing weary of playing in a tournament of such length, he went ahead and made tough roster changes and always did his best to keep the team on course.

    Team captain of the tournament must surely go to Linus!!

  49. s3 said:

    Yeah, very nice game. Well played to everyone involved, and I’m so glad we finally managed to defend roof on Badwater :P

    Personally I’m pretty glad it’s over, pyro gets old pretty quickly in highlander (w+m2, gogo). As I said in my VanillaTF2 interview, I really didn’t think we’d get this far. After a surprise win against TwistedPlay (shoutout to poxie for rooting for us for the finals!), shit got real. We even had our first (and last!) strategy session, although it was mostly dominated by messing around with noclip.

    Match day, and we defend upward pretty well at first. Decent time after it’s said and done, but then we fail at pushing. Slightly more than a minute left, sentry and everything still up at last point. PANIC! And then, just as we were about to push in with uber… DDOS or whatever you want to call it. We redo the attack and… 3 minutes faster than SNSD, wooo!

    Badwater next, pretty standard stuff except that we managed that roof defense for once. Overconfidence led to a wipe, which lost us both third and second. After that, it was pretty much over.

    Dustbowl… Geez, fucken dustbowl man. After 40-50 failed ubers against an immortal wrangler sentry (I call hax) we could feel the “oh shi-” feeling setting in. SNSD made short work of our patchwork defense of first point, and gg was called.

    Shoutouts? Sure, why the hell not.
    MrLate: Way to time your lack of proper internet. Sorry you missed the finals, but man, 1 mbit/s WiMax… No way :D
    gangsteralgot: Cool guy, used to have cool hair. Slightly less cool now, but he taught us pro calls anyways.
    Lokalen.nu: The community from which we hail (I think that’s proper English… sue me if not). Best vanilla TF2 servers in Europe! Visit us at tf2.lokalen.nu!
    hurr: For believing in us and supporting us, even though she was with the opponents. See you at Colony meet: Reloaded?
    These fucking guys: http://etf2l.org/teams/10217/ Coolest team we played against, friendliest bunch you’ll ever meet.
    makko: You taught me the ways of the drunken Finnish TF2 player, I am forever in your debt. Goober.

    And last, and definitely least: TheSucker, for not dropping nearly enough ubers. Way to go, jerk.

  50. s3 said:

    Oh damnit, I knew I forgot someone.

    Massive shoutout to sir for stepping up and mercing as our sniper. Thanks man, we owe you one :)

  51. bladeshot: RWBR - [OWN] said:

    SNSD DDoSed server every time when they failing
    sorry for my bad english

  52. Linus: [d¿s] - 007 said:


  53. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    It seems like is disbanding today.
    I’ve never felt that nostalgic, these guys were legends, will be remembered.

    R.I.P Heroes.

  54. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    SNSD is* I ment

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