6v6 Ladder 2010
Results submitted:
by Martn (Team Dynamic)
Team Dynamic
Team Colonslash
0 - 2
SteamID Screenshots: A
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Thanks for the challenge! :D
We play Su/Tu/We/Th nowadays, from ~21.00. Have your pick ^^
(kinda busy with wireplay season atm though!)
why does everyone always pick badlands and gully :( Geiif cp_well or any other map that is not in the pool :D (TUUUUUUUUUUUUUURBINE)
Sunday 21:15 then? This game is just a big test to see how good we are. We will either fail hard and have to practice some moar, or we win and we are ready to pwn div 5.
Sunday is fine, so long as it’s next week (as opposed to tomorrow) :)
Done, accept pl0x!
hasn’t this already been played 0_o