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Monday Night Madness #8 - LOW

Round 1

Date Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by Draco (Six Silly Somethings)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Germany Drunken Angels Unstoppable vs European Six Silly Somethings
3 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Six Silly Somethings (6) rich_the_smith, Tasty Mango, warhammer158, Jay Destroya C, Draco, Queen Of Cookies
Drunken Angels Unstoppable (6) lifi, doc :), GenerationQ, bloodangel, ash, hans


  1. Ash: (Legend) - Pander said:

    We can play our server if you don’t mind, we’ll restart him just before 2000 to eliminate the risk of it lagging out.

    Or do you have a server that isnt affected by the recent issues of servers lagging out?

    password superdau; connect

  2. Ash: (Legend) - Pander said:

    Good game!

    Good luck in your next season, guys :)

  3. Draco: SnB said:

    cheers, GG WP to you :)

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