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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 4d


Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by MR JOHNSON (renoB)



4 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Finland foldbitten vs European renoB
2 - 7

SourceTV: fakkelbrigade.eu:27103

SteamID Screenshots: A


renoB (6) Hey Mustache, Old_Grandma, Mordi, Fish, Cannady, MR JOHNSON
foldbitten (6) madu, rarecandy, P.Arkinson, happy little boozer, IronHawk, sieppox


  • Map 3 (cp_obscure): Source TV [Pruned] by Mordi (504 Downloads)
  • Map 2 (cp_badlands): Source TV [Pruned] by Mordi (501 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (cp_gullywash): Source TV [Pruned] by Mordi (522 Downloads)


  1. Gobby! said:

    We da best

  2. madu: sisu said:

    no u

  3. Poppis: zamn! said:

    Go Fail Go

  4. JAKKKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Go get em Boner!

  5. vero :<: (^-^)v said:


    The left team should start eliminating maps, so gogo :D

    badlands, granary, gravelpit, freight, gullywash, obscure

  6. rarecandy said:


    We remove granary

    Your turn :>

  7. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    gravel is gone;

    your move Duke!

  8. Gobby! said:

    gravel be up and out of this bitch!

  9. rarecandy said:

    fools freight be gone

    whatchu gonna do bout dat

  10. vero :<: (^-^)v said:


    – “You only think I guessed wrong! That’s what’s so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders – The most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…”

    And therefore we’ll start playing… GULLYWASH!

  11. Koteng: ≧◡≦ said:

    Lookin forward to this, fellas! :D

  12. rarecandy said:

    k, badlands for us then. =)

  13. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    Then we have ourselves a menu of:


    and the good ole’ decider of obscure

  14. Uji said:

    Go Vero and IronHawk!!!!!!! :D

  15. Friado: TEZC - FM said:

    This will be interesting. I hope you guys can get stv for fanboyzz.

  16. Gobby! said:

    no need its gonna get casted on tf2tv :>

  17. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    Gl boner :D

  18. Koteng: ≧◡≦ said:

    it might be casted, depends on when we schedule.

    Can you guys play on Sunday the 9th?

  19. sieppox said:

    Nope, Monday/Tuesday/Thursday would be OK

  20. rarecandy said:

    I proposed tuesday 11th 20cet. Would be the ideal time & date for us!

  21. Koteng: ≧◡≦ said:

    The date might be okay, gonna talk with the other guys. But the time is a little bit early, would like at least one warm-up map.

    But as i said, gonna talk with the others and I’ll come back to you if I see you online on friends.

  22. tasKu: e-famous said:

    fails gonna flai.
    wait what..

  23. wwww: ISIS - Panopticon said:

    Go Flai =)

  24. jukebox: broder said:

    mä oon homo

  25. Seduce: CA said:

    gl erectus :)

  26. maG. said:

    gogo flai :) <3 finn & madu :)

  27. Ace said:

    Have to watch this! :>

  28. Setlet said:

    Go flai go!

  29. Arnetz said:

    Go Renob!

  30. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  31. Dyna: Memento said:

    GL for Flai! :)

  32. siN: xenon said:

    Old_Grandma suck,flai gl

  33. Gas13: niveous. said:

    I heard finnish players hack! GL FLAI anyway. The best of luck to sieppox especially.

  34. Rasta said:

    gogo sieppo :D

  35. rarecandy said:

    we allow renoB to use their new medic =)

  36. Uji said:


  37. Setlet said:

    good luck flai

  38. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:

    Good luck Made. Im glad to see you made it so far.. :D

  39. sno: UbeR | - itsallgood said:



  40. aksu said:

    go flai!

  41. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    gg renob :D

  42. madu: sisu said:

    GG wp, cya div3 : )

  43. rarecandy said:

    gg renob were better this time! =) hopefully we’ll cya in div3

  44. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    Very well played by Flai.
    Was really intense, no doubt these guys are div3.
    Sick scouts and sollies. Siepoxx 2 many lobbiez. Didn’t really mind killing ur medic sometimes.


  45. Erectus: aHn said:

    INSANE game, good game!

  46. Fish: UCAP. said:

    great game guys and well played

  47. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    congratulations to renoB!

  48. Cannady: hood said:

    gg everybody, awesome games.

  49. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Gratz Renob, obscure 1:0 — aha aha, that’s the way WE LIKE IT :)

  50. Ghostface: spire said:

    Cannady going huge.

  51. Califax: dyn. said:

    Only 1 point capped on Obscure? Was it really passive or worth an STV upload? ;)

  52. maG. said:

    flai why? =(

  53. phanTom said:

    Whoa looked like an awesome game!

  54. Finn: [:B] said:

    Obscure was boring as fuck. it was just waiting for them to push. And they didn’t. Fucking double heavy.

  55. xzr said:

    faggot tax r faggot tax

  56. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    Finn, don’t mad.
    Califax, u can watch the last 5 mins, nothing more :>

  57. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    we ran double heavy last 2 minutes, you ran double heavy aswell at one point mate :)

    and we did do quite a few pushes, not our fault they didn’t take this peice of shit stalemate map out in the map picks.

    Also flagzero LOOOL :D

  58. madu: sisu said:

    Don’t worry. Finn is mad :D

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