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Highlander Challenge Cup Stage

Round 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Peter Mansbridge (Inglorious Broadcasters)



0 - 1

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0 - 1

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UnitedStates Death Marked Soldiers vs Canada Inglorious Broadcasters
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Inglorious Broadcasters (9) xliv, newnight_, DonNewman, daeg, Peter Mansbridge, ATF_ProfOak, cowbeef, person0129, Vesta
Death Marked Soldiers (10) BloodyShark, ElyCyan, Eebs, tripletrailer, Noah64, Sylon, Finrus, Sun-Guardian, tarsier, GroovesEthnikon
Unrostered (2) Comedian, Sheridyn


  1. Peter Mansbridge: [IB] said:

    Proposed for our standard game day…November 28th 8 PM EST. Let me know ASAP if this is ok.

  2. Sylon: soup. said:

    New date proposed as December 5th @ 8pm EST as per our conversation in steam.

  3. Peter Mansbridge: [IB] said:

    Game rescheduled to Sunday at 2 EST (7 CEST), to accommodate TF2TV who will be broadcasting the game.

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