Highlander Challenge Cup Stage
Round 1
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

1 - 0
[Screenshots: N\A ]

0 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]

0 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Team Freze
Funky Bear Pie
3 - 6
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Looking to play at on:
4:30PM EST
10:30PM CET
These is pretty much the only time we’ll be available next week to play.
I think that should be fine, just checking.
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Sunday, 21 November 2010, 22:30
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Good game, well played :D
Please submit the result as soon as possible.
Right, I can’t get access to the pc with the screen shots for a few days at the least! I will hunt through our members to see if anyone else has said screen shot, but if you guys have easy access to them, please could you upload?
Please get a score up asap or this match will be decided by a coin flip.
Upload the result or at least write the result in the chat. You next round game needs to be drawn.
Thanks in advance
Team Freze won Upward. FBP won Gravel Pit and then Viaduct. 2-1 to FBP.
I can get score screenshots from the demos, but I lack a status screenshot.
I’m pretty sure it was
Upward 2:0
Gravelpit 1:2
Viaduct 1:3
I’ll try and get these up later by watching the demos. Team Freze won Upward, FBP won Gravel Pit and Viaduct.
No status screenshot, but one of our players timed out and wasn’t able to come back and another had to go to bed after the first two maps, 9m Phoenix (http://etf2l.org/forum/user/22278/) and Markoy (http://etf2l.org/forum/user/8921/) were kind enough to merc for us for the final map.
Right now though I have to rush out to the shops!
Just watched the demos. Scores were:
Upward: 2-0
Gravel: 0-2 (1-3 and 3-3)
Viaduct: 0-3
Watched them and the screenshots failed and didn’t take. The scores Java has are correct.
Please submit the results or upload the score screenshots and link them in the match comments and contact and admin to submit the results asap