Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Challenge Cup Stage

Round 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by goebwer (Lazytown regulars)



3 - 4

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0 - 2

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UnitedStates Addiction to Gaming vs UnitedStates Lazytown regulars
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Lazytown regulars (6) goebwer, connected, Polk, UselessFool, [1ManClan] Ordanos, Dredio
Addiction to Gaming (5) Newman, pretendica, Havox, madmattd, SteakHouse
Unrostered (1) endx



  1. Newman: [ATG] said:

    Guess we can start working this match out already. Weekend afternoon or evenings are the best time for us.

    We have a server setup and ready we can use.

  2. Newman: [ATG] said:

    I think I just totally screwed up the day/time on those proposals…
    We are wanting to play this Saturday 13th or Sunday 14th at 3PM central.

  3. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    I’d like to play Sunday, but I can do either day this week. Around 3 PM CST is good.

  4. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    It’s wednesday and no response yet. Get on the ball, Lazy fockers!

  5. goebwer: uBs said:

    I added Newman last night on steam friends and he has not added me we are on the ball we just want to resolve this all at once. I’m adding you now pretendica maybe you’ll responded quicker

  6. goebwer: uBs said:


  7. goebwer: uBs said:

    And now Newman is ignoring the add. So I hope you do add pretendica.

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