Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries
Division 4b
Week 3
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
Team Defiance
[XX] - [XX]
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hi, what date and time wanna play? for us is best 1.11 or 3.11 at cca 21cest
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Wednesday, 03 November 2010, 21:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Hi, our opponent havent Team Leader and i told with one player with (wild) and he told me that this league leave.
Can a player of WiLD.Multigaming please contact an admin and either confirm their drop or reestablish a leader in your team?!