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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 6g

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

International Funky Bear Pie - Team Pie vs Russia Xterra
6 - 0


  1. Heu3BecTHocTb: xterra - xterra said:

    You will be able to play the 13th at 18-19 сet?

  2. Juan said:

    Saturday isn’t good for us. 18-19 CET on the 14th would be better for us, are you ok for then?

  3. Heu3BecTHocTb: xterra - xterra said:

    We play only on Saturdays

  4. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 14 November 2010, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  5. .amrl?! said:

    gl & hf

  6. Cap'n JABBA: -9m- - [FBP] said:

    hello, we’ve ended up with two matches at the same time and are wondering if it were possible to play this match either earlier on sunday, e.g. 18:00 CET or on saturday at 18:00 or before or after 21:00, would be a real help if you could, if not i’ll try to re-arrange the other one

    also if you don’t want to move the date any chance of playing half an hour later at 21:00?

    again would really help, thanks :)

  7. Juan said:

    connect; password bear

  8. Juan said:

    scratch that, connect; password idkwar

    though barely any of you seem to be online atm

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