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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5h

Week 8

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

Russia blaze vs Luxembourg MTF.Gaming
0 - 6


  1. myNax said:

    when? :)

  2. Eteground said:

    I dont know

  3. myNax said:

    alright thanks man! you’ve been really helpful. I thought maybe I’d ask you first, especially the time, as you guys have a different timezone afaik. so what about Sunday 5th at 20.30 CET ?

  4. Eteground said:

    Day: Thursday or any later.
    Time: 19:00 / 30 | 21:20
    It is best to 19:00 or 19:30.

  5. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 12 December 2010, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  6. Eteground said:

    we can not play at 20:30.
    Only the 19:00 or 19:30. Either start from 21:30
    As I already wrote above – sooner the better.

  7. Eteground said:

    Or add me as a friend so we can clarify these questions, or move to another day.

  8. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    stv please

  9. Eteground said:

    stupid idiots mft

  10. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    They never asked to use 2 mercs, and quickly put one into their team to make it look like one of their own. Roster should have been locked this late in the season, so eh…

    Plus spouting abuse at us certainly will not make us make them another favour.

  11. NetSraC said:


  12. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    good job mate, eteground


  13. Eteground said:


  14. Eteground said:

    they refused to play 5×6, panties accidents. Specifically pulled 20 minutes that we put def loss

  15. Netsky said:

    maybe you could include a timestamp in there? Like 19:55?

  16. Eteground said:

    Netsky coward and a woman, you’re afraid to play a 5×6 and we have you can not do anything because you are admin. Use on his right, noob

  17. Netsky said:

    nope, that’s basic rule knowledge. There would be no problem if you had asked me before the game, stressing the ASKING part. Just just told us: “we use 2 mercs” while we already were on the server.
    This is a sign of weak team management. You didn’t know you couldn’t field 6 players of your roster? Too bad, blame the missing players.

  18. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    Wow Netsky ? So that is your dirty secret :)

    Anyway nice one for flaming a league admin, gg

  19. Netsky said:

    not as a league admin here ~.~ being atm a team leader.

  20. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    Netsky: (League Admin)

    q.q ?

  21. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Netsky, our clan policy states that we do not accept WOMEN. We are Mysogynists Terror Force.

  22. myNax said:

    netsky is girl??????

  23. Cop Yablonsky said:

    MTF! hasent screenshot on wich we can see time and player…
    I see only Eteground screenshot on wich we can see players!

  24. Netsky said:


    cheers, please do not EVER think I wouldn’t collect screenshots.

  25. Netsky said:

    oh and I forgot the “roma is on our team, look at team page” attempt


    screenshot taken 3minutes after he joined, you may be able to check the player history log.

  26. Eteground said:

    вы отсосы, удачи.

  27. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    bbl? kthxbye!

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