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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5h

Week 6

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

Default Win

Luxembourg MTF.Gaming vs Poland OSG klanos.pl
6 - 0


  1. myNax said:

    hey guys! when do you wanna play this? we can play sunday, wednesday and thursday, but also maybe on monday and tuesday. preferably at 20.00-20.30 CET. tell me :)

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 28 November 2010, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. myNax said:

    can we please reschedule as our medic is not there on that date :s monday 29th would be much better.

  4. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    They didn’t answer on our request, why should we suffer. Would be nice if we could play it on 29th

  5. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    Old School Gaming, don’t be cheap. If you aren’t happy with playing on the 29th please tell us why.

  6. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    watch out no mercs

  7. myNax said:

    both MTF and OSG can’t play tonight (talked to kRL). We do have a little problem to reschedule, as the folks from OSG only play at 21.30 CET which is too late for us… Dunno what to do, but the match today is definitely off.

  8. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    WTF myNax, it’s not off. We offered to reschedule several times, they did not accept, so we will play. So either they draw a wildcard or it’s a def loss for them.

  9. Milfeulle: MTF! - MTF said:

    At 20:00 CET I mean. Next time, make sure to reschedule on time.

  10. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    Since no-one is accepting my friend request: connect;password pcw

  11. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    Since no-one is accepting my friend request ( :( ) connect;password pcw

    Be there or be square !

  12. myNax said:

    fair enough. I thought we could reschedule to monday so we can play with our main lineup, but apparently, we can play today.

  13. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    8:12 PM – `Kaczymuczy: Well we can’t play today.
    8:13 PM – `Kaczymuczy: We are completely disorganised here.
    8:13 PM – `Kaczymuczy: Like: the whores of Babylon are jumping on my head right now.
    8:13 PM – pischto: what ? ^^
    8:13 PM – `Kaczymuczy: So let’s say you’ve got the default win.
    8:13 PM – `Kaczymuczy: Because we won’t play 3 vs 6. ;)
    8:13 PM – pischto: I guess so

  14. kaRoL said:

    def win for mtf :-(


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