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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5g

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Clog Life (He is THAT good!)



3 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Finland Low Pressure vs Netherlands He is THAT good!
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Low Pressure (5) Sexy, Evili, Snabbis, Nomify, DK
He is THAT good! (5) Weiman, Jok[3]r-, Smofo, Heineken, Clog Life
Unregistered (1) Camden.Ziano


  1. Millennion: Poo - Poo said:

    yo boys,

    what about wednesday 20th of october around 21:00 CET?

  2. Sexy said:


    How about thursday 21th of october? And 2015 CET would be much better for us.

    BTW. We don’t have a server, so I hope you guys do? If not, I can probably get a finnish server on loan.

  3. Millennion: Poo - Poo said:

    uhm we can’t play on thursday and the sunday after.
    as for 2015 I’d really prefer 2030 because of uni/work

    We have an UK server.

  4. Sexy said:


    wednesday 20th and 2030 CET.

    Could you paste server information here, or should we continue this via IRC. ?

  5. Millennion: Poo - Poo said:

    connect; password camdenwar

    CU tomorrow ;)

  6. Sexy said:

    Server isnt working, saying its running on older version… tried to contact you @ steam, but got no answer. Please, if you read this, contact me via steam (Sexy) or by IRC (Quakenet) #bloodpressure

  7. Jok[3]r- said:

    GG guys

  8. Smofo said:


  9. Sexy said:

    gg boys, and gl for the rest of the games!

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