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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5b

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by nyck0 (Hysteria.)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



1 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]

European Defiant Gaming vs European Hysteria.
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Defiant Gaming (1) Aven
Hysteria. (5) nyck0, Serialloser, Merilahti, KillAri, Noreille
Unrostered (2) BaNaNa, lazy


  1. doks said:

    hey guys… thursday 18/11/2010 21cet ok with you ?

  2. nyck0 said:

    it seems ok for us, i confirm u on monday 8th

  3. doks said:

    so will you confirm the date ?

  4. n Traum: \V/ Gold - LAME said:

    If Gravelpit lead into a draw I will gift you the fucking golden cap win.

  5. doks said:

    oh and do you have a server guys ?? ip ???

  6. Sev said:

    i shit on every french asshole in histerya

  7. Serialloser: Hys. - NoraJ. said:

    gg, at least learn to spell the name of our team correctly

  8. killari said:


  9. doks said:

    dont mind him guys. i dont know what happened to him. gg! and please… LEAVE div5! srsly. go div3 or so.

  10. nyck0 said:

    ETF2L, I hope that your policy provides for sanctions against the attitude of Sev.


  11. nyck0 said:

    ETF2L, I hope that your policy provides for sanctions against the attitude of Sev.

  12. Sev said:

    Here’s a sanction _|_

  13. Serialloser: Hys. - NoraJ. said:

    Oh my stop embarassing yourself and grow up.

  14. Sev said:

    This has nothing to do with growing up.

  15. Ghostface: spire said:

    It actually does. More than you think.

    GG both teams, bb Sev for rq’ing and then crying around.

  16. nyck0 said:

    im very surprised that ETF2L admins have not yet sanction this attitude, racism is very dangerous however I still think racism is very existent in this league.

  17. doks said:

    wow guys… just drop it. i mean our team wont stand sevs attitude also but there is no point making a big deal out of this.

  18. Sev said:

    GhostFace still after my ass…what a loser.

  19. Ghostface: spire said:

    Shaddap Lazyshadow go l2p.

  20. Sev said:

    What a random no lifer and hypocrite (mature) bashing on a match page that is not even related to him.

  21. Ghostface: spire said:

    U mad?

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