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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 5b

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Turkey Cosa Nostra vs Germany Dropped :(
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Cosa Nostra (1) dg
Dropped :( (6) flix, Reaper, senf, fr0w, Troll, smziii
Unrostered (4) Alesline, aduket, ruzen, gio


  1. Reaper: prem said:

    Hi we prefer to play on tuesday, thursday or sunday at about 20 cet. Can you play on one of these days?

  2. Reaper: prem said:

    We have to play this week, so pls leave a comment and let us know when you can play.

  3. ruzen: DWe / said:

    Check propose date

  4. Reaper: prem said:

    we cant play later than 20:00 and on thursday we have another match. cant you play on sunday 11.11?
    if not pls let us know the dates on which you can play.

  5. dg said:

    20:00cet thursday is okay for us. what do you think?

  6. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    we already have a match on thursday, sry
    so next date that would be working for us is sunday

  7. dg said:

    sunday is not working for us since we have some kinda national holiday thing. what about friday?

  8. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    friday + sundayy is saved for party and real life :/
    next week tuesday?

  9. wagg1sh said:

    dude pls be serious we are kinda asocial sociopaths we gonna die alone!!!

  10. wagg1sh said:

    in all seriousness, what about saturday night approximately 21 cet?

  11. ruzen: DWe / said:

    Guys we have holy religion days at those day you proposing. Cant we play at December? You can pick any day.

  12. n Traum: \V/ Gold - LAME said:


  13. dg said:

    Unfortunately, we have to use a wildcard. Sorry for the complications, we’ll be in touch for arranging our match.

  14. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Cosa Nostra.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 02/12/2010.

  15. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    just great …but ok

  16. ruzen: DWe / said:

    We have two matches to play (25-28) is it ok for you 25 / 11 / 2010 20.30. Otherwise its ok for us to play at defult date ( 02/12/2010 )

  17. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    well we already have a match at 25.11
    so lets paly at default date :)
    2000 cest?

  18. .: cc// said:

    GO Amroth \o/

  19. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    connect; password public

  20. dg said:

    your server is okay, but amroth’s internet has some maintenance, so Forza is gonna replace him in this match but he is not verified. So I’m asking permission from you so we can play. Otherwise we will have to use another wildcard for this match and again Forza will play because will be verified then.

  21. dg said:

    but then noticed we can’t use 2nd wildcard for the same match, so we are back to asking permission from you for Forza. Thanks.

  22. dg said:

    Well, I tried reaching you here, via steam and irc. I’m accepting your silence as a yes then.

  23. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    sry but ex div 1 is too much

  24. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    btw u never talked to me on steam

  25. dg said:

    added you on steam

  26. dg said:


  27. dg said:

    btw here is another screenshot of status since exzntrc was slacking when i got the first ss.

  28. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    yeah was gc on gravelpit
    go for div 4 gl for following matches

  29. Baden: poob^ said:

    maybe 6-0?

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