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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 4c

Week 8

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Old_Grandma (renoB)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A B ]



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Croatia Guru Gaming vs European renoB
3 - 3

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


renoB (5) Gobby, Hey Mustache, Old_Grandma, Mordi, Cannady
Guru Gaming (6) Archy, FlagZero, Chux, SpacePig, Twinings, DRookie
Unrostered (2) Jazzman, Lynx


  1. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Proposed 8/12 – 21.00 CET

    Let me know if this works for you :)

  2. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Will talk to you when I know.

  3. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Poposed Wednesday 15/12 21:00 CET

  4. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    We can play 8th, you?

  5. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    sorry can’t play the 8th.

  6. LinKin said:

    Hey stv pls ? :)
    go renob!!!

  7. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by renoB.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 28/12/2010.

  8. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  9. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    go renob wildcard!! nice link grandma,
    we can play next week 22. or 23.12. would be best for us.

  10. icey: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Also, we have a spy in your team, but you will never find him! ;D

  11. verostat :<: (^-^)v said:

    Damned Erectus, I always felt he was a spy :(

  12. Erectus: aHn said:

    Jews are allways being called in names.
    But if I was a spy, you wouldnt know, or even think about it.
    We haz golds.
    And we knows how to use it.
    If theres a spy, that would be you, blaming an innocent jew.

    By the way, I want a 5893275932532097 words of comment on my comment cuz how much time I invested here on that.


  13. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Don’t shoot me santa! ….. and we approve 1 merc from div4 or lower :)

  14. Koteng: ≧◡≦ said:

    thanks guys! :)

  15. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    no peder

  16. lay: Yes! - Yeh! said:

    go renoB ))))

  17. allig4t0r: starlight said:

    gg! )))))

  18. F!shy said:

    gg, was intense :)

  19. Koteng: ≧◡≦ said:

    After winning 5-0 on gully they insisted on playing on their server cuz our demo had 160 ping on their server. They had exactly the same ping on both servers.

    Tho I’m not blaming that. GG and WP.
    And sorry for my small rage between gully and obscure.

  20. Erectus: aHn said:

    good game even though i rly didnt like what u guys did there..
    good luck.

  21. DRookie: guru-JB - ,(s), said:

    If we only played both on ours…. :/

  22. AFRICA UNITE! said:


  23. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:


    sorry if you can’t see the difference between 70 and 40 ping, and we are sorry that you have a player from an exotic place and so he plays with high ping an any and all European servers. Thanks for playing 1map on our server. It was a fun match.

  24. Erectus: aHn said:

    let me write u something.. bullshit :3
    u had the same ping, the only thing different was that i had 160 ping..
    instead of the “great” 100 ping that i allways play with.
    if u rly like doing this kind of stuff then go ahead, but seriously, was lame.

  25. icey: guru - G-Yoda said:

    I’m sorry if you think we behaved badly, it was an awsom match, I love u guys no matter what, wp <3. Thanks

  26. Erectus: aHn said:

    sorry if u cant see the difference between 100 and 160 ping..
    also, u wont be able to feel that difference cause u wont have this kind of pings..

  27. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    sorry bout that I dun goof’d with uploading screen for gully, here is the correct one


  28. Erectus: aHn said:

    anyway, i dont know what would have happpened if we played both on ours, or both on urs..
    but just to fix that feeling of us both:
    both maps were pretty good games..
    good luck in the future, good night.

  29. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:



  30. Noreille: RELAPSE! - AwF said:

    renob Pro !
    GG guys .
    Gratz for your win

  31. FlagZero: guru - G-Yoda said:

    Gratz Renob, obscure 1:0 — aha aha, that’s the way WE LIKE IT :)

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