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Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 2a

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Galant (International Secret Intelligence Servic)



4 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A B ]

Russia International Secret Intelligence Servic vs Russia XEN Team
6 - 0

SourceTV: tf2world.net:28001

SteamID Screenshots: A


International Secret Intelligence Servic (6) Galant, hamster^, TroX, krol, swat, ups
XEN Team (6) Maestro, NOLF, spirit, howcanwewin, EDisan, berrtech


  1. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    We will play this match 20.12.2010 @ 21:15 cet.

  2. howcanwewin: xen said:

    Yep, if it’s possible.

  3. tarmo-: <3 Fruit said:


  4. markitoshh: k0 said:

    3-3 :P

  5. Stray said:

    Не вздумайте вничью сыграть =)

  6. sickless: fnx.simrai said:


  7. kurch: k0 said:

    epic match, gl both! if it’s possible i’ll be watching you :D

  8. maaze: storm. said:

    gogogogogoogog! xen!

  9. Crazy_Girla: ORly? said:

    gl Xen!!

  10. Recluse: ✓✓✓ - TD. said:

    Xen, go go go!! oh wait…. GO GO GO RAGE!!!!

  11. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Gonna be very close but I think… 4-2 for RAGE (sorry kipje :( )

  12. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    I don’t think it’s gonna be close on freight. Maybe on gravelpit.
    Anyways, 5:1 for Rage.

  13. grid said:

    go go Xen!

  14. Kenny: v. existence said:

    stv didn’t work :(

  15. Zhiha: ClickID - ClickID said:

    ств включись!!!

  16. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    STV now works.

  17. maaze: storm. said:


  18. krol: lel` - Ki11ERS.PRO said:

    We did it!

  19. kuzmichspb said:

    congratulations, gg RAGE

  20. KTJ: k0 said:

    gz rage :) gg

  21. NOLF: xen said:

    Congrats to RAGE :) Well played

  22. ups said:


  23. pala4 said:

    gratz rage )

  24. Galant: candy - Autism said:


    It was amazing Season, fuck yeah!! :-D

  25. Marcado: k0 said:

    gz Rage, gl in div 1 =P

  26. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    Yea, if it is interesting – we had about 70 specs. Pretty good for div2 final I think.

  27. Sir Remix: frø - DANMARK said:

    rage for div1!!

  28. swat said:

    Too much Galant in this thread. Also gg.

  29. irfx: EPA said:

    “if it is interesting”

    It is not :D

  30. r3sp said:

    gz RAGE!!!

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