Highlander Challenge Group Stage
Group 254
Week 2
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

0 - 4
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0 - 5
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Indian TF2 Gurus
0 - 6
SteamID Screenshots: A
Indian TF2 Gurus | (9) R.A.W.Agent, sandic, the shadow broker, 23, HoT SaUcE, ghostyy, blood_money, Crazi3_M3Dic, ||pHOENiX|| |
Madarchod | (11) ceeeeemie, can_lah_2, sud, Arylikh, Kelimms, naTTan, Krypt, Xeony, Syllcy, Madman, hsirt |
Unrostered | (1) Hanny |
- Madarchod [Minor] Using an unlisted player
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Lets play this Wednesday (6 October 2010), Evening.
17:00:00 UTC+2 hours CEST
20:30:00 UTC+5:30 hours IST (India)
23:00:00 UTC+8 hours SGT (Singapore)
Yeah, sounds good
Please accept the Schedule from your TEAM ADMIN console.
Yeah, sorry about that. It’s done. GL HF.
We might need to change the schedule to Saturday (same time).
Some of our players may not able to join this Wednesday.
Invitation sent.
We have another Week 3 match to deal with, since you guys pushed past Week 2 already? You can get mercs if you want, go read the rules, let us know closer to the time we scheduled today if you really can’t field your players
We have another Week 3 match to deal with, since you guys pushed past Week 2 already? You can get mercs if you want, go read the rules, let us know closer to the time we scheduled today if you really can’t field your players
Actually, I have sent emails to everyone.
As this is a weekday, so some of our team member might be busy in jobs….
Lets see….
If problem, we can play on Saturday and you can play your 2nd-Match on Sunday.
Actually, there is no hard-n-fast rule in Group-Matches in Scheduling.
You can see, there are some Week-1 matches being played this week, including today !!
Okay here’s the deal, you arranged the date and time of the match, and we agreed to it, many of us with real life commitments chose to stay home and play this game. In case you haven’t realised, many of us are on holiday, and we could be doing something better and more worthwhile, but no, we’re waiting for a highlander match.
It was your job to make sure that the people who were supposed to show up do so, you should have double checked and confirmed the timing before even agreeing on a date. Don’t blame us for being unforgiving but if you don’t get a team down by 11pm today, I will personally draft a complaint and inform the admins about this blatant irresponsibility.
If you wanted to change the match at least have to decency to inform us 1 or 2 days in advance, and not at the last moment when all of us are either out or not at home.
You guys were the ones who chose this date, deal with it, we will not re-schedule, and Saturday is a no-go for us since you are the ones at fault in the first place.
Yes, you can complain to ETF2L.
But, I know we didn’t break any single rule.
I tried my level best to inform everyone.
Due to weekday, I am facing some problems.
I was expecting some ‘sportsmanship’ but one can NOT expect ‘co-operation’ from ‘Madarchod’.
Post your Server IP.
We must have good ping else you have to play in our server.
I dont think it is fair to accuse us of poor sportsmanship.
As with any league, once a match is scheduled and agreed upon with both parties; any no-show is regarded as a forfeit. Even being late for a game can be regarded as a forfeit. Yes, this might not be explicitly stated in the rules but isnt it basic courtesy?
Considering you arranged the date in the first place, it is expected of you to have contacted and confirmed with your members beforehand. If anything, your team is showing no sportsmanship by insisting on a reschedule as a totally last minute thing.
I am very sure we would have been more than pleased to reschedule if you had requested it two or even one day earlier. Instead you demand our “cooperation” only hours before the agreed time. How is this a display of grace, sportsmanship or any COMMON SENSE TO CHECK WITH YOUR MEMBERS FIRST at all?
just my 2c :>
Join our Server:itf2g.dyndns.org
Eclub asiafortress
Password: eclubmatch
ok your server then
GG WP. :>
Please upload the RESULT screen-shots.
Nice playing guyz, You are Pros.
We lost badly as we never played together, specially in Highlander mode.
Next time do not be so lazy and submit the results yourself. This goes to Madarchord!
Also, all mercs need to be registered at ETF2L. Warning given to Madarchord because Hanny is not registered.