Highlander Challenge Group Stage

Group 248

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Ercus (Some original Name)



4 - 0

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4 - 0

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Sweden Some original Name vs England Time wasters
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Some original Name (7) norrisnick, Guinness, Cruel Ruin, Quiksilver, JollyJello, Ercus, Master of Hoovies
Time wasters (7) Spartian, Shaolin, nime3, garrot, Helldrone, Gubbles, icyhealer
Unrostered (2) Darkhordes, Callahassee
Unregistered (2) =[TW]= Mike Hawk, |SoN| Lexista


  1. nime3: =[TW]= said:

    We have sent a date to this team they have not responded in some time

  2. norrisnick said:

    We’ll get to it… Right now we’re a bit more preoccupied in nailing down a time for the week 1 match.

  3. norrisnick said:

    Yeah… I messed that up. Wanted to propose same time but Friday instead of accepting Sunday. I think I may have changed the acceptance to a proposal.

  4. norrisnick said:

    Sweet merciful crap… Just ignore me… I just woke up… Date and time works, just re-accept what I screwed up.

  5. cranberry juice: |SoN| said:

    Aww, Friday? I’ve got classes all day. Can we push it to Saturday or next Tuesday? :(

  6. norrisnick said:

    Saturday would work for me. Talk to fearless leader, he’s been less than fond of Saturdays.

  7. Ercus: ha-ha - |SoN| said:

    im very fond of saturday, however when i was talking to time wasters they said that saturday did not work. believe me it was the first day i proposed.

  8. norrisnick said:

    Ok…. Since we seem to be fond of forcing the “win by default” option… How bout a match saturday?

  9. Ercus: ha-ha - |SoN| said:

    It appears i have made a mistake when submitting the results, i put them on the wrong side on map 2. I contacted an admin about this 1 hour ao but have gotten no response, i will try again tommorrow.

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