Highlander Challenge Group Stage
Group 231
Week 3

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
Cartoon Gamers
ChHa Cyan
[XX] - [XX]
Cartoon Gamers | (8) warfinge, Stealth4D, harryman5, Soulhunter4444, Charlaweyd, Watch_Me_Explode, Dave CG, Meeto |
ChHa Cyan | (9) eriksun91, Fluff And Napalm, Treayn, The Gentlemanly Pyro, Dr. Girlfriend, Sleverin, surikesu, Unnamed Protagonist, [ChHaC] Dr. Robotnik |
Unrostered | (1) JoeDaCork |
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Keep in mind that times on this site are in CEST, so 14:00 EST is 20:00 CEST.
But yeah, I’ll check with my team to see if 2 PM Eastern’s good.
What day exactly are we planning this for? Saturday or Sunday? I’m assuming that this match will be set for this weekend.
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Sunday, 17 October 2010, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
2pm est this Sunday would be best Imo. CG should be ready for that time.
19:07 – [CG] Charlaweyd: hey, is it ok if we use one merc?
19:07 – Treayn: sure
Instead of wasting time by contesting this, I would suggest you do the honourable thing and accept the result becuase in the end, you were clearly 2nd best.
JoeCork was a last minute merc so I made him register just now.
Ok Cha i have read your forums to see your reaction and it appears your claiming us to be sexist and insulting.
I would liek to just stake out that only a few of our members have that attitude and have been spoken to about it.
We played with the Default highlander setting too apparantly but if you see need to contest and have us DQ’d then instead how about just replaying? A fair game with no fuck ups perhaps use your server instead?
but this problem has happened in our previous matches and there didnt seem to be any trouble.
I think most of us are just as confused by this as you are.
I will admit both sides overreacted.
My teammates feel that I should contest the results, and I will go with what my team says.
Personally, what doesn’t sit well with me is that I believe “[CG] Dave” or “[CG] Charlaweyd” said that the server had problems with dustbowl on stopwatch, yet you gave no heads up prior to the match, or asked us/the league for an alternative server.
I will get back to you on rescheduling, late today or tomorrow at the latest.
Dont get me wrong i not tryign to take over but i just dont want people thinking bad of me because of other things that happened its for the leaders to decide.
I have to agree with Treayn that both sides have overreacted. There is however no need to slander us and call our admins ignorant and incompetent. We had a few issues with the server in previous matches but these didn’t cause a problem with the other clan. You guys are within your rights to contest but I strongly feel a default win would be unfair on us. The server problems didn’t give cartoon gamers any real advantage and we won fairly. Despite not attending this match I would like to apologise for the conduct of some members of our team. I am deeply unhappy about some of the stories i’ve heard. I’m also unhappy about somebody claming you were using ilegal weapons, which i’m guessing is just based on sour grapes. Now I understand losing is tough but ultimatley, you lost! Now a default win is hardly fair so if you still feel cheated a replay is the best option for both sides. Things looked heated yesterday and I hope you guys will look at the whole situation rationally…
Jesus Christ, really? There really has to be a rematch? Okay, I’ve been kind until now, but this is getting ridiculously out of hand and I am sick of it. This is where I draw the goddamn line. Yes, there was a glitch with Dustbowl, but after discussing, your team decided to go with it and it fixed itself when we played again. I remember it, and so do you, don’t pretend to deny it. Whoever decided to be an asshat and be sexist in the game isn’t this tournament’s problem, if you want to talk to them about it, that’s arrangeable, but trust me, we’ve already talked to them. And does it sound like I’m mad? Because I am, I’m not denying it. Granary went on stopwatch and it was a tie, as we agreed. Hell, I even made us come to the decision that we won, in a peaceful manner, and now this BS starts popping up? FFS. This is the end of it. There is no need for a rematch, and you and I both know you’re just doing it because you lost your first game. And guess what? If I lost my first game, I’d be pretty upset too, but this is childish and inappropriate to dwell on little details like this in order to gain a second chance that you shouldn’t be getting. For the love of God or Buddha or whatever you believe in or DON’T; Just drop it and move on, this is too stressful now, so just; DROP. IT. Whether or not Dustbowl messed up the first time, we repeated it, it fixed itself, and we won. Then we tied Granary. So it was CG 1 – ChHa 0 (counting ties as 0). We have at least 1 demo to show this. End. Of. Story. There is no need to argue about set-in-stone details. I’m sorry that I have to act so aggressive, but this stupid BS coming from everywhere from BOTH teams has just absolutely ruined the fun of this tournament I wished to have. So please, for everyone, just leave this be and move on. Thank you.
With concern,
Alexander “Watch_Me_Expode” G.
I agree with the people offering a rematch as I was absent at the time of the match and only know what I’ve seen in demos i think it would be fair to our side particularly if we had a rematch of Dustbowl only nothing more granary was a fair game in the end it was 30mins long and there wasn’t a point difference of 5 so there the rules are fine, but for Dustbowl I heard that it wasn’t working at first then did after the second try I believe that it was unfair to play half a match and then be forced to start over just because your server was having problems we should either play on a well configured server or a league server. That is all I have for my input. Thank you.
With regards to your comments prior to mine,
Collin “Oh no…” J
It looks like few people would like to do a rematch in both teams. There was a decent dustbowl match, but if you want to do a rematch of that, that’s fine.
(Just my thoughts here thinking freely…) I could easely start complaining about granary tbh, but I just wont because frankly enough, I’m not the kind of person who hunts down the other team that might beat us so we could get a second chance.
Is there a problem with the results?
If so contact an admin trough IRC please, if not these results will be verified.
One of Cyan’s members has contacted an admin.
We are having a rematch of both Dustbowl and Granary this coming Sunday.
You can use this server for the rematch at Sunday, 20 CEST
connect; password etf2l81ez
Charlaweyd and Treayn have admin access by typing !admin or /admin in the chat.
Our time has agreed for a tie.
Yeah, both teams have agreed on a tie.
I will post up the STEAM conversation up later, as Flickr is acting up.
(Magnify icon’s in the top right)
Looks like a tiebreaker is in order. May the better team be victorious.