Highlander Challenge Group Stage
Group 171
Week 3
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

0 - 4
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5 - 0
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Eat. Play. Hyper Beam.
3 - 3
- Map 2 (cp_granary): First Person [Pruned] by praetor.kai (165 Downloads)
- Map 1 (cp_dustbowl): First Person [Pruned] by praetor.kai (175 Downloads)
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Hey, I’m still getting schedules from all my guys but how does Friday night start somewhere in 8-10pm EST work for you and your team?
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Monday, 18 October 2010, 03:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
So… hello? Friday night?
Sorry for the late reply.
Unfortunately Friday night does not work well for a lot of our group, theres a large college event that night. Howabout your Saturday or Sunday?
Either Sat or Sunday is good for everyone but one guy I still haven’t heard from, but can sub so… let’s call it 8pm – you pick the night.
You guys have a server? We have access to one at if you guys wanna check pings.
Awesome. We’ll check with our people, since we’re a bit distributed.
We may or may not have access to a server (not sure if it’s currently up and running), but we’ll check pings on yours later today.
I submitted a new fixture time proposal. Sunday at 8 PM U.S. EST. I believe I converted it to GMT correctly for the fixture?? Let us know how that works for you.
Far as I know etf2l’s time is +6 EST, so that’s 9pm scheduled, but whatever by mutual consent Sun 8pm it is! See you guys there!
Ah. I just used an online converter from EST to GMT since I can never remember the shifts and somehow always mess up anyways XD
See you Sunday!
You do need to approve the fixture on the match page for it to change the “official” time though. I don’t know how strict etf2l is about it, but it’s probably good form nonetheless.
Heh accepted but looks like the time shifted, didn’t have to for previous match but as I understand as long as we’re mutually agreed the scheduled time doesn’t matter.
We tried to check your server, but it’s password locked — I’ve also added you on steam to coordinate/get server info.
I am asking the heavy player of Startstruck to provide his POV demos for both maps.
Please either upload them directly on this page or use a filehoster like mediafire.com and link them in the match comments.
Deadline is Sunday, 24th October at 23:59 CEST.
I am still waiting to catch our other heavy online (we did some class swapping) but the first’s demo is here : http://www.mediafire.com/?mywhvggntl3c4xv
also since this was protested Starstruck would like to protest Eat. Play. Hyperbeam’s unannounced use of “pause” which is evident in this demo as it happened around tick 66200 / 16:20 mins into the first map.
sorry around tick 60000 / 15:10mins in that demo, I got the #s crossed with my own demo’s.
I assume you’re talking about the pause that happened as we were on attack (which is the only one I remember), immediately after we popped our uber and were coming around the corner? Unless a member of my team was only artificially surprised, we called for no pause. In fact, we were quite unhappy with it — after all, why would we pause the game in the middle of an uber, which would give you time to coordinate against it? I just reviewed my demo, and there is no indication of us pausing it, nor of any warning of pause/unpause. You can clearly hear on voice that we were not expecting that.
Also, demos demonstrating gru and the most unfortunate pause will be uploaded tonight once I’m able to meet with my team and we’re on our gaming rigs.
That is exactly the pause I am referring to since it was the only pause and considering it happened before your protest that issue needs to be settled first.
I find it interesting you are claiming nothing since no one on our team called for it because we all immediately began asking in mumble “WTF” since we had no reason to pause as we were ready on defense and were all well aware you can’t just pause a match without first asking and waiting for an appropriate moment.
2nd heavy’s demos are here:
Alright. I uploaded 2 demos.
1. Our spy’s POV of granary. Clear GRU usage seen (little skulls of doom, high run speed) in the 40000-45000 frame range, immediately before final cap.
2. My (heavy’s) POV of dustbowl. Since some of our team is behind a very strict firewall, we haven’t been able to get mumble working (or at least that’s our best guess as to why it’s screwy), so we were on TF2 voicechat. At around the 16 minute mark, the pause occured, and we were all like “WTF?”
Since it sounds like you similarly have no idea what was up with that pause (I’ve checked with my team, and they’ve all reported that they weren’t responsible, and I know them all well enough in person to trust they aren’t lying about it), I’m happy to chalk it up to the odd happenings of life. We actually thought you guys paused it because you saw our uber coming around and wanted planning time. To be honest, half of us didn’t even know you could pause, and the other half don’t know how (myself included) XD
Also, as someone with a good bit of admin experience under my belt, I can see that this thread is quickly turning into, for lack of a better term, a shitstorm. I’ve checked the standings for our group, and Harmless Fluffy Bunnies won both of their matches. Thus, I assume that they will be the team to advance out of the group round into the bracket? If that is the case, and the outcome of this match has no role whatsoever in determining who advances, then I am fine with simply calling this a wash, with whatever result the admins deem acceptable, assuming my counterpart and the admins find that reasonable as well. I know all too well how aggravating it can be for you admins to have to deal with things like this that, in the end, don’t matter at all and are therefore a pure waste of time. The reason we reported GRU usage was that the Gloves of Pure Awesomeness (I <3 heavy btw) were explicitly banned and can play a very strong role in the outcome of a push map like granary. We wanted to ensure that the unbalanced outcome of that map would not change which team advanced out of group, and that the tournament would be conducted in an always honorable fashion. We're in it for fun, nothing more.
Praetor Kai
P.S.: How do you pause, anyways? Cause I've definitely been in lobby games where everyone wanted to pause to wait for someone to reconnect, and no one knew how . . .
Addendum: Demos uploaded to etf2l.org using the profile dashboard. I’m not entirely sure how it works, but if you cannot view them and would like to, ninjabong, just let me know and I’d be happy to upload elsewhere.
From the console : pause or unpause (I had to double-check that was all it was, and not rcon’d)
I see your point, let’s just call it a wash in the sake of fairness because yeah, irregardless Harmless Fluffy Bunnies advances – let’s call it we take dustbowl (whoever paused being a badbad person) and you take granary for our heavy’s carelessness.
Huh, you’d think they’d run something like a votepause, or at least a very clear “Pause has been called, now there’s a countdown before it freezes” sort of thing. Can’t be too hard to do, especially since they already do the stopwatch timers and stuff like that . . .
Sounds good to me. Admins?