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Highlander Challenge Group Stage

Group 117

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Zepolak (Team §§ Tidam)



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European Gathering of Tweakers Highlander vs France Team §§ Tidam
0 - 6

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Gathering of Tweakers Highlander (9) Descriptor, FYI I decloak in pla, woei, aapelite, flappie, Illusion, Pol, Illegal, Martn
Team §§ Tidam (8) Bullfrog, Dr Greenthumb, Suffu, Altaic, Burr, Tira, L alchimiste, Zepolak
Unrostered (1) lucskywalker


  1. Illegal: [GoT] said:

    Hello Team §§ Tidam,

    The proposal you made for 14th oktober is fine, but can we play the match earlier then that?

  2. CapTVK: HoT<3 said:

    Hello Zepolak from Team §§ Tidam,

    Although our team would prefer 21:00, 21:30 can be done. It would help if you could arrive early.

  3. CapTVK: HoT<3 said:

    Hello Team §§ Tidam

    Earlier today I submitted new request with your proposed time 21:30. But i haven’t seen an official confirmation yet. Could you agree to 14 oktober at 21:30 (your proposed time)? We must now officially submit an arranged time. And the deadline for match arrangement is very close now.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. CapTVK: HoT<3 said:

    Zepolak, the proposed date you put in is for wednesday 13 oktober, instead of thursday 14 oktober.

  5. CapTVK: HoT<3 said:

    Zepolak, I’ve sent a friend invite please contact me or reply in the matchlink.

    Just in case to be clear there are no mistakes.

    Our team is ready to play coming thursday, the 14 oktober at 21:30 in the evening. That also was your proposed date. There’s some urgency because the deadline for accepting matches is this sunday evening.


  6. Dr Greenthumb: df. - TF2Co said:

    14th @ 21:30 it is :)
    See you next thursday.

  7. Padow: d! said:

    Go go Gathering of Tweakers Highlander§§

  8. Dr Greenthumb: df. - TF2Co said:

    Va chiay pute §

  9. Zepolak: §§ said:

    Hello guys !
    First, I want to apologize for not answering here to your messages, I basically missed all of them and was preparing to add you as a friend to discuss the date, but you did before with Green and it ended up well.
    Thanks a lot for the game, it’s been a pleasure playing against you and, especially on Granary, we’ve had some real troubles even if the score doesn’t reflect it. We wish you success would you want to go on the Highlander ladder or in any other tournament !
    Above all, thanks a lot for being nice guys against which it’s nice to play !
    See you !

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