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Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Newman (Addiction to Gaming)



0 - 4

[Screenshots: A B ]

UnitedStates Addiction to Gaming vs UnitedStates Brotherhood of Slaughter
0 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A


Addiction to Gaming (9) Newman, bacon lord goose, Crackers, pretendica, hulkvsspawn, Havox, madmattd, Aaron, SteakHouse
Brotherhood of Slaughter (9) mrfribbles, sniprpenguin, Tophu, Senor Alberto, Leviathan248, Fuzzmosis, Alex, SoopaDemon, proper talent


  • Map (): First Person [Pruned] by sniprpenguin (249 Downloads)
  • Map (): First Person [Pruned] by sniprpenguin (234 Downloads)


  1. sniprpenguin said:

    Hi there. Thanks for challenging us.

    How does a matchdate of Sunday, September 5th sound? We prefer to play around 6PM Pacific time.

  2. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    This holiday weekend is no good for our whole team. What about Wednesday, tomorrow at 5 pm pacific? Or is that time too early? We could do tomorrow at 6 pm pacific, no later though.

  3. sniprpenguin said:

    How about 5:30 Pacific? A few of our west coasters get off of work then.

    If that doesn’t work, I think the next best move would be sometime next week, but that’ll be right when the tournament starts.

  4. sniprpenguin said:

    Sorry, I sent it to my guys and it’s too short of notice.

    I know I sent you the time I proposed, but I sent it thinking it’d be OK with my team.

    Turns out it’s not.

    How does next week work for you guys?

  5. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Next week will have to work. No biggie.

  6. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Tuesday next week would be better for us all to be available. I have submitted a proposed time and date. 7:30 CST on Tuesday sound ok?

  7. sniprpenguin said:

    Accepted, and it works great for us.

  8. hulkvsspawn: [ATG] said:

    I’ll be there. Happy fragging.

  9. sniprpenguin said:

    Hey, should we still be playing Steel? For our last match I chose it because it was on the map list for the Challenge, but now it’s been replaced by Badlands. Ultimately we’d prefer to play another map on the list if possible.

  10. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Can we change it?
    That’d be fine with us if you changed it to Badlands.

  11. sniprpenguin said:

    Had this come up with another match of ours; according to an admin, we can report any map we want with the results, and it’ll show up here. In the mean-time, it’s not important to change it, as long as we both agree to the change.

  12. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Do you want to play on our server? Pass:atg123

  13. Ladder Challenge said:

    Match Reminder
    This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 14/09/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible

  14. sniprpenguin said:

    The accusations of cheating are founded only on the fact that we were winning. As team engineer, I never built more than one dispenser. Dropbox link to my demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10482744/badlands.zip

  15. sniprpenguin said:

    Furthermore, this matter WILL be brought to an admin’s attention.

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