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Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by mug (Best o Fest II)



4 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 4

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European Best o Fest II vs European Late Night Shinanigans HO Force 1
1 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A


Best o Fest II (8) mug, __fell, Ze Ferocious German, Taekwon-joe, Dragoonknight, Easter Bunny, Eledh, Indivisible
Late Night Shinanigans HO Force 1 (8) minurray, Evansio, The Lord's Prayer, .:PiE:., Blonde, hoorayforpeepee^^, A Docile Sloth, lee
Unrostered (2) Coco, j666


  1. mug: DakkaOCD - TH said:

    MuG: Hey dude, just getting the ok on our merc for tonight Coco http://etf2l.org/forum/user/18495/
    A Docile Sloth: sure

  2. A Docile Sloth: [HF1] said:

    One guy did pick up healthpack in the heavy fight and I can only appologise for that. He went on to kill the last heavy but we were 4:1 up without him, not that that excuses it.

    Otherwise a good game. I wish you luck in the upcomming tournament.

  3. mug: DakkaOCD - TH said:

    Good luck to you guys too, thanks for posting up

  4. Ze Ferocious German: [BoF II] said:

    Sorry about the rage at the start, but you gotta admit that the 9 vs 9 heavy fight was a mess.
    Good games otherwise indeed, have fun!

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