Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Newman (Addiction to Gaming)



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A B C ]

UnitedStates Addiction to Gaming vs Canada Inglorious Broadcasters
1 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Inglorious Broadcasters (9) S1rSyeC0, xliv, TPMX, newnight_, DonNewman, Peter Mansbridge, ATF_ProfOak, cowbeef, Vesta
Addiction to Gaming (7) Newman, bacon lord goose, Crackers, pretendica, hulkvsspawn, Magus, madmattd
Unregistered (1) [atg] das


  1. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Hi guys, I was trying to set a time for Wednesday night @ 7:15 CST. How’s that work? We have a server setup in Chicago, if you want to play there.

  2. Peter Mansbridge: [IB] said:

    We will be playing a game Wednesday night at 7:15 CST unfortunately. Just an FYI, since we’re scheduling in euro time, the time you actually requested is technically Thursday at 2 AM euro time.

    We might be able to do Tuesday at 7:00 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME if you’re interested. Alternatively I will ask my team if we’re up for another match after we wrap up our first.

  3. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Tuesday is kinda short notice. I set it for Thursday, 7:15 CST. Is that okay? No need for you guys to play back to back on Wednesday.

  4. Peter Mansbridge: [IB] said:

    We can do back to back if you’re available at around that time. That said, our entire team is ready for a game tonight. If there’s any way you can field a team tonight it would be a lot easier for us.

  5. Newman: [ATG] said:

    The IP for our server is:
    password: atg123

  6. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Out of curiosity… are you guys broadcasters? I work for a tv station, that’s why I picked you guys :)

  7. hulkvsspawn: [ATG] said:

    Good Games last night. Pity about the Valve update, that f’d everything up on both sides.

  8. Peter Mansbridge: [IB] said:

    Thanks for being so understanding last night guys. Steam just made it a huge cluster fuck…

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