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Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Team-Awesome! vs Portugal Fangubulous Ankle-Biting Butt Munchers
1 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Team-Awesome! (10) Rob!, [T-A!]PandaJoey*, LAG HARD, Ge, BabyPanda, tawoodsy, pantsonfire, maRty, bob buttons, Thndr.


  1. [T-A] Rob: TROLLIED - [T-A!] said:

    Why accept the challenge and then want to change it?

    We can only play wednesday, play us or lose by default.

  2. [T-A] Rob: TROLLIED - [T-A!] said:

    Fangubulous Ankle-Biting Butt Munchers did not show, they were unable to gather players. Submitted screenshots to help.

  3. chocolatE :> said:


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