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Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by pretendica (Addiction to Gaming)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedStates Top Hat Nekos vs UnitedStates Addiction to Gaming
0 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    Hi, I hope this isn’t too short of notice. I wanted to accept your challenge. Please respond and we’ll try and get things worked out as fast as we can. We have a server in Chicago that we can use…


  2. slick128: _██_ said:

    I actually sorta messed up with the date on this. I had meant to put this on the 22nd but I got messed up with time conversions and what not. I was trying to make it so it would be 7:30 pm my time on Saturday but just realized I accidentally made it tonight. Would we still be able to do this on Saturday?

  3. slick128: _██_ said:

    Basically I meant to put it on Saturday @ 7:30 pm central time.

  4. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    I think we’re still good, for Saturday. That’s what time I told my team. I know what you mean about converting it. Do you want to play on our server?

  5. slick128: _██_ said:

    Yep we’re perfectly fine with that. We’ll see you then /handshake

  6. pretendica: [ATG] said:

    The IP for our server is:
    password: atg123

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