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6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by silleh (U MAD?)



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Hungary asD' eSport vs International U MAD?
1 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A B


  1. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    So is it ok monday 31. may?

  2. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    nvm lets see the date later

  3. Bonkers said:

    uh well i have exams 7th-11th so not then but anytime before is fine.

  4. cptn: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    Hello guys what about 05/29 19:00?

  5. Bonkers said:

    today at 8 was the arranged time.
    Our server?
    i’ll tell you the pass if you pm me

  6. Ting said:

    May 28, 2010, 20:00 CEST
    and my server:ip:
    and pw:vicious

  7. Ting said:

    pls we play on 20:30

  8. Bonkers said:

    that will be fine. but u need to update ur server as i joined to test ping but it wouldnt let me in as it hasn’t been updated.

  9. Bonkers said:

    is this in uk time?

  10. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    its in etf2l time :D:D

  11. Bonkers said:

    ok so our server as we know its up and running and connectable?

  12. Joshhh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    So is this starting at half7 uk time?

  13. Bonkers said:

    yes yes

  14. cptn: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:


  15. Ting said:

    you’re hackers

  16. cptn: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    who won?

  17. iDEMO said:

    Your all bloody hackers now :>

  18. Bonkers said:

    1:5 badlands to us
    2:1 fastlane to them
    5:0 to us on granary, forgot to screen shot them and the demos wont allow the replay to screen shot them.

  19. Joshhh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    I wish ting ad pazzo didn’t call you hackers, guys sorry for being a dick, was very wrong of me, hope if we play you again, we’ll have an even better game once again sorry

  20. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    Admin maybe warning from forgotted to take screen shot?

  21. Joshhh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    The scores were Inf 5:1 asD’ map:badlands
    Inf 1:2 asD’ map:fastlane
    Inf 5:0 asD’ map:granary

    GG! Inf

  22. mL said:

    its may be not the same steam id ^^

  23. Bonkers said:

    correction it was 6:1 on badlands.

  24. Bonkers said:

    we have screen shots from stv thank god

  25. mL said:

    what about the steam id?

  26. Mark said:

    dont have the steam id ones, didnt know we had to take those.

  27. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Nice guys! Wish I’d played

  28. Joshhh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    oops sorry 6:1 badlands GG!

  29. Random: [Gb] said:

    I don’t see why we need all these screenshots and things if we have people from both teams confirming the same results?

    Anyway GG to all =]

  30. pumphead said:

    The status one is to make sure everyone is who they say they are and you dont get higher skill players playing as other people. Unfortunatly we forgot to take the status screenshot sorry for this.

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