Monday Night Madness #1 - HIGH


Date Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Spain knock0ut vs European Epsilon eSports
0 - 1


  1. markitoshh: k0 said:

    markitoshh> go?
    wai`> we default, to late, u guyz took to long, cba now ggwp
    markitoshh> golden cup on semi-final
    wai`> ill pm admins
    markitoshh> ok
    markitoshh> thanks

  2. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Sorry markitoshh, but your game was over 20 minutes late ending. Thus the winner of Stripclub vs =[IDK]= defaults this match.

    Learn to play on time, and if there are ANY issues with being late – speak to an Admin. I made it unbelievably clear on the news post that teams should play on time and stay in contact with us. There is no excuse for being late.

    In addition, neither Stripclub or =[IDK]= will be welcome in the next 2 Monday Night Madness cups, due to ruining the final.

  3. gl said:


  4. Spary said:

    We started the game on time, Stripclub even set the timelimit to 20 mins because we started late and the additional 20 minutes was in a golden cap.

    Noone delayed the match, it’s just that the golden cap was so long since both teams gave a great fight.

  5. Spary said:

    Anyway there should be more specific rules for a golden cap in the next mnm.

    I’m sorry but it’s just dumb to ban two teams for having a tie and a long golden cap, not to talk about the great attitude we got right now for trying to explain the situation to one of the admins.

  6. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    If you had a 20 minute golden cap, it would have started at 22:15CEST, which was the time the final was due to start. Also, it meant your game STARTED 25 minutes late…..

    Therefore it is still the responsibility of both teams to be aware of the time and to keep admins and their next opponents informed of what is happening. Because both teams failed to have any contact with the admin team regarding the delay to their match, they forfeit their right to continue in the competition.

    If you don’t already have one, can I suggest having a small clock near your computer so you can be aware of the time :)

  7. kuma said:

    Sorry for the delay.

  8. markitoshh: k0 said:

    GG :)

  9. DouGie: CotC said:

    “Stripclub vs =[IDK]= was completed over 20 minutes late”

    Golden Cap = 20mins

    banned for 2 cups yayyyyy

  10. Traxantic: TLR said:

    Nice work idk? for the “cba”

    Nice work ETF2L for ending it like this.

    Rest of the cup was serious fun though, gg :)

  11. cheee: fa» - [SpA] said:

    idk? would have won anyway …

  12. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Ban reduced to 1 cup because I think 2 is a little harsh. I’ll make it even more clear in the next news post that teams cannot be late for their games.

    Thanks for your understanding!

  13. kuma said:

    Sorry for the delay, we were in the middle of an intense golden cap round and both StripClub and IDK were in a difficult situation to contact an admin. If an admin had the time to come to either one of our teams I’m sure we would have been more than happy to explain our situation. It’s a shame we couldn’t see idk?, one of the top teams in Europe unable to play due our match finishing 15 minutes too late.

    Perhaps some provision needs to be made in the future regarding draws. Prolane’s last point is a lot more open than Fastlane, but it is still possible to hold a defence there for a long time. Our golden cap round extended to over 20 minutes in a close and epic battle. I again apologise if the rules are clear on this (I couldn’t find it under “Rules”), but perhaps if the GC round runs past a certain amount of time the fixture should be decided by a roll?

    It’s a shame we’ve been banned for 2 cups, I thoroughly enjoyed playing these matches. GG to all the teams we played, hope to see you guys again soon.

  14. kuma said:

    ^ posted before D2M’s comment, thanks for making it clear.

  15. jason: PHX said:

    “Blatant disregard” – do you really believe that?

    Admins – if you need to keep the timing of these matches so accurate, perhaps rules need to be in place for draws?

    Neither =[IDK]= or Stripclub seem to have broken any actual rules as far as I can see. Might it help to avoid these problems if an admin actively monitors the games? Just get on the server as spectator and make decisions on any rule problems.

  16. Slick: Epsilon said:

    Traxantic: =[IDK]= said:

    April 13th, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Nice work idk? for the “cba”

    Nice work ETF2L for ending it like this.


    lol tranxantic u do realize the cup ended too late for us THEREFOR we were giving default win to our opponent? :) you get fed up when you wait and wait and wait….

  17. Slick: Epsilon said:

    If these cups arent strict about time scheduling, noone will sign up anymore as you end up more waiting then playing. I think this is why D2M is abit over strict about this, i think the ban thing is not necessary at all though :)

  18. Traxantic: TLR said:

    @ Slick

    Yeah, I understand you get fed up with it, but what if we did let you guys or the admins know, you wouldn’t have played in the first place. And also, I think the finals are a bit different then semi finals for example. Since the finals are the last match, imo, it should be allowed to delay it a bit.

    Or maybe give a longer break between rounds? :)

  19. DouGie: CotC said:

    yeah just a tiny bit unfortunate, if the semi final didnt go to a golden cap, then we would only be 5mins max over the final time, and none of this would have happened. This problem wont go away in the next cup, because you give a 15min break inbetween matches, and its not out of the question for a golden cap to last 20mins like I did last night.

    but I can totally see where idk? are coming from, sorry we ruined the final for you guys! :(

    maybe in another tournament we can have a lol idk? vs IDK game :PP

  20. xeno: epx^ said:

    ludicrous, lol

  21. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    I am accepting the 1 MNM Cup ban.

    As it was noticed in the rules, we needed to warn the admins.
    I understand the point of view of the admins. But i dont agree that we ruined the whole cup.

    I am admin aswell of an other league, and i know what kind of effort is needed to run those kind of events. The admins want to give a signal to other clans that those need the rules very good if they are going to join a league/cup.

    The reactions from some of my peeps in the first place were just emotional reactions. But they do understand the descision of the admins.

    This isnt taking away that i want to thank the clans we played against. Especially stripclub. This was for us the match of the year. I could hear on mumble how the experience of the game was.

    We are there again, in the #3rd MNM Cup.

    Grtz. JvanW
    CL + Founder =[IDK]=

  22. markitoshh: k0 said:

    Thanks for the comment JvanW :) It was an amazing match!

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