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Monday Night Madness #1 - HIGH

Round 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Spary (Insane Dutch Killers)



3 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Netherlands FakkelBrigade Green vs Netherlands Insane Dutch Killers
0 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. Chris: (0v0) said:

    i’m looking forward to this :>

  2. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    I love those 2 dutch flags : )

    btw, what srv do we want?

  3. DouGie: CotC said:

    oh hai there!

    our NL server? its Multiplay :)

    and Gomer, see IDK2 for more dutch flags :P

  4. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    yh your srv is fine.. np!

  5. DouGie: CotC said:

    actually our server might be a problem, can u add Spary please? :)

  6. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    done !

  7. Mors Immortalis: KoP!? said:

    Gl guise ! :)

  8. ViQun: GoT<3 said:


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