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6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by D1ego$ (HoverCrabs)



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Netherlands FakkelBrigade Green vs Russia HoverCrabs
0 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


FakkelBrigade Green (5) Beetle, Pyle, Mitt Romney, Major Malfunction, dougal
HoverCrabs (3) Olphken the Lucid, Vasa_kot, ir1ska


  1. D1egos: said:

    Hello mates, how about tomorrow at 20cet? And we wanna play gullywash instead badlands.

  2. D1egos: said:

    Arrr, i forgot it http://www.esportsheaven.net/?page=tournament&action=view&tournament_id=98&content_id=404 . Lets play wednesday 25.02 at 20cet?

  3. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    haha np… thanks for accepting :D !

    Gullywash is np… Allthough we have 0 tactics and 0 experience on this map :D… but thats where these games are for I guess :( … ( We rather have a revenge on granaray |>_<|? )

    So lets rock and roll… We can play sunday 19.00-23.00 CET and mon-thu 21.00-23.00 CET.. sorry guys, we cant play on any other time then mentioned above…

    So what about…. 25th 21.00 CET ? or else the 28th some earlier like 19.30 CET ? ( I know you guys live a view hours later then we live :D )

    Let me know,


  4. D1egos: said:

    wednesday – it is a 24th of february actually=))). Sorry my misstake. How about 20:30 cet?=(

  5. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    Sorry we have http://etf2l.org/matches/17827/ on wednesday…. And during work days we cant play before 21.00 CET… So thats why it’s going to be sunday I think ?

  6. D1egos: said:

    http://etf2l.org/matches/16241 we cant play sunday=(, but i think we can play before that game.

  7. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    k…… Ill discuss it with the team, let you know.

  8. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    Sorry we cant make it this early….. We have an official this sunday and next sunday :(
    I’ll sort out when we are available to play and let you know…

  9. D1egos: said:


  10. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    Due to the fact that we cant settle a time for this match on mon-thu I’m afraid it’s going to be: Sunday the 14th of march 20.00 cet ? I know it’s a litlle late, but rather late then never i guess :)

    Let me know, thanks.

  11. Ladder Challenge said:

    Match Reminder
    This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 08/03/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible

  12. D1egos: said:

    ok, lets play it sunday 14th of february=)

  13. D1egos: said:

    14th of march i mean*=))

  14. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    We can also play this sunday if needed… Our schedulded match for week 3 was rescheduled to another day so please let me know if you can play this sunday… Otherwise we agree with sunday the 14th.

  15. D1egos: said:

    Too late, we have official game on this suday (07.03), so lets play 14th of march.

  16. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    I accepted : ) What srv you want to play ? We dont care…

  17. D1egos: said:

    we have de server connect; password duckwar

  18. D1egos: said:


  19. Olphken the Lucid: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    gg. merc was allowed.

  20. Major Malfunction: [FB] said:

    Do you have screenshots? I can provide if necessary.

  21. Major Malfunction: [FB] said:

    Never mind that. GG again.

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