6v6 Ladder 2010

Date Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by jekA (eNigmatic(majestic))



6 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]

Israel eNigmatic(majestic) vs Israel Wild Turtlez
1 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B C D


eNigmatic(majestic) (4) Epinephrin, jekA, Airpox, Swippz
Wild Turtlez (4) chodz, Boogi, BaReXy, insaner
Unrostered (4) Suicidie, FunnyBunny, SneakyFox-, Bigfishy


  1. Ayzek: Doj said:

    Settings or bena what time in israel do you want to do that?

  2. SnowiE: -9w- - -9m- said:

    You cannot claim a default win unless a date has been entered into the calendar or confirmed by both teams. Please arrange and play the game, or confirm that the default win has been given in the match comments.

  3. Ladder Challenge said:

    Match Reminder
    This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 27/02/2010 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible

  4. Ladder Challenge said:

    Match Reminder
    This challenge was accepted more than 14 days ago as such a 5 point penalty has been applied to both teams. If the match is played the penalty points will be removed. If one team has been reluctant to schedule the game then the other team may apply for a default win.

  5. SnowiE: -9w- - -9m- said:

    Please either confirm that the mercs were allowed, or verify the result.

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