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Season 7 powered by SteelSeries

Division 1

Week 9

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by skinnie (TCM Gaming)



4 - 7

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B C ]

Netherlands FakkelBrigade vs European TCM Gaming
0 - 6

SourceTV: fakkelbrigade.eu:27104

SteamID Screenshots: A B


TCM Gaming (3) Springer, skinnie, Haunter
FakkelBrigade (4) Fisshu, Arie, Exfane, Mirelin
Unrostered (1) byte


  1. skinnie: TCM said:

    going to be sun 18/4 or thurs 22/4

  2. Fisshu: infs - [FB] said:

    thursday 21:05 CET should be fine, let me confirm with my team mates.

  3. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    We might need a merc on thursday, but looks like this is the only day possible.

  4. Omen said:

    gl FB

  5. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    stv please

  6. Private Gomer Pyle said:

    GO GO FB ! Make us proud ;P

  7. Marik said:

    Any stv enable tonight ?

  8. Hender said:

    Stv :D ?

  9. Krakyn: rEJ said:

    It’s FakkleBrigade vs anyone, given they provide the stvs for most of Europes top games and the details are published on the front page of this website probably once a week take a fucking guess what the stv will be.

    glhf to those involved, I hope fisshu top frags.

  10. WTFBBQ said:

    gl TCM! kick ass Haunter!

  11. Chris: (0v0) said:

    STV address is wrong. Trying to sort it out.

  12. Chris: (0v0) said:



  13. freakz: [8U] said:


  14. Chris: (0v0) said:

    That appears not to work either, will post a message when a working relay is up.

  15. aeq said:

    soo this match is soon over..

  16. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Sadly it appears the match is not being broadcast.

  17. skinnie: TCM said:

    there were some problems with the stv

    will try to get the stv demos from FB

  18. Chris: (0v0) said:

    server would have been overloaded with another relay.

    gg though, last hold on gpit was funny :D

  19. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:


  20. Moregnan: dc. said:

    what the heck is uploaded at badlands ‘A’

  21. skinnie: TCM said:

    no idea lol :D some screens from fb vs www

  22. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:


  23. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:


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