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ETF2L 5th Cup

Round 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by nautti (The MIPC Organization)



7 - 2

[Screenshots: A B C ]



6 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Netherlands FakkelBrigade vs Finland The MIPC Organization
2 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


The MIPC Organization (6) Punssia, GeneSIS^, nautti, miikka, Roque, NeuRo
FakkelBrigade (6) Fisshu, LoopeR, drleånn, Arie, Exfane, Mirelin


  1. Roque: brz - [hePPa] said:

    23:58 +Roque> hello, im from mipc, when do you want to rape us on 5th cup?
    for us it would be best for the mon 15th, tue 16th or thu 18th at 20:15 cet

  2. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    lo, it has to go down before wednesday the 17 as ill be gone till the end of the week by then.
    Didnt see you in our irc, as it seems you copied this from irc.
    If i get back home, ill see if i can find you on irc to make a “deal”

  3. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    lo guys, soz that i didnt accept your date earlier; WE CAN PLAY :)
    Pls check fakkelbrigade.eu for ping check

  4. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    i forgot to add, you cant reach me on irc as i had to format my pc and havent installed that yet, if you need anyone talk to arie or fisshu on irc

  5. rivard: s1l said:


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