6v6 Ladder 2010
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

5 - 0
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1 - 1
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11 - 10
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I Gladiatori
Who Dares Wins
2 - 0
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Hey! What about 20-21 CET on Sunday?
Sunday we have a def date for season 6, monday 16.11.09 at 21.00 ?
Sounds fine, I’ll add it.
Nearly forgot I can’t play on monday. Could we play on wednesday instead?
ityalian foobal national team plays wednesday :|, 19/11/09 at 21.00 cet ?
Russian team plays that day as well, thank god you noticed that. We can’t play 19, what about 20,21,22/11?
We have a game on 21/11 at 20 cet already.
20/11/09 at 21.00 cet ?
Yeah, ok. Can’t edit calendar, so we’ll just play it that day.
Match Reminder
This challenge was accepted more than 7 days ago. You must play this game before 27/11/2009 or both teams will automatically incur a 5 point penalty. Penalty points will be removed upon completion of this match. Please schedule and play this game as soon as possible
connect; password sticazzi
but i can not submit result, tomorrow i’ll try to contact an admin
Freight Gla 1 WDW 1
Badlands Gla 5 WDW 0
Turbhine Gla 11 WDW 10